Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,51

months, and one of those times was the day before when she came back from her six-week checkup. Okay, granted, I fucked her like three times because I had a lot of lost time to make up for, but still.

Tonight I had plans for that ass. I’d given her a bath in her favorite scented bubbles, washed her from head to toe with a few teasing touches in between to get her ready. She’d complained about her new body, which I happen to be fascinated with and set out to show her.

I’d just got through emptying her right tit of milk and barely restraining myself from being greedy and emptying the other because I knew my kid would be up in a few hours looking for food and was making my way down between her thighs for my favorite meal when the crying started.

Since it was my turn, I’d jumped off the bed and threw on my robe, hard-on dying a quick death as I went to take care of my little princess. Tyler, the ass thinks it’s funny to pass me in the hallway with some snide remark or another since he no longer has to sneak into his stepsister’s room.

I was almost tempted to take the baby in there with them but decided not to give them any ideas. Justine has been doing okay with them being a couple, but I know for damn sure if her daughter turns up pregnant, she will not be so understanding. I digress.

After I changed the baby, I brought her to her mother to be fed before taking her back to the nursery, where I sat and rocked her back to sleep. That usually takes about five minutes tops, but tonight she decided it was fun to mess with her old dad. So, now I’m no longer in the mood.

Justine fished my cock out from under the covers since I’d lost the robe and climbed into bed naked. I held out for all of five seconds; pitiful. But what was I supposed to do when she lowered her head and licked the head of my cock, my already leaking cock at that?

I think having the baby and being showered with my love and admiration had loosened up something inside her because she seems to have hit her sexual stride here of late. I noticed it yesterday when she begged me to fuck her ass because, as she said, she missed having me there. My wife is not a talker.

Now she was taking the initiative and making love to my cock like she was starved for the taste of my precum, which she licked and sucked from my cock slit like a greedy carnivore. I held out for about five seconds playing the put upon husband to the hilt, but all it took was one facetious grin from her with a mouthful of cock, my cock, and the façade broke.

I fisted her hair hard and pulled her head down further until she had a good eight or nine inches knocking against her tonsils. She drooled and choked on my shit just the way I like, but just when I got close enough to hose down her larynx, she took my balls in hand and cut me off. It was the sweetest pleasure-pain I ever felt.

I watched her as she looked at me, wondering what new theatrics she was up to now. She released my nuts and straddled my hips, her teeth biting into her lip in concentration as she held my cock in place for her pussy to slide down and ride. That oomph sound she made when I hit bottom was all the encouragement I needed, and though I let her stay on top, I took over the reins.

With her ass held firmly with one hand, I pulled her towards me with the other so I could reach her tit. Sweet warm mother’s milk burst onto my tongue, and her pussy did a new trick around my meat, which made me a very happy boy. She had a whole new repertoire since giving birth, and it was all happening inside her warmth.

She squeezed down around my cock and gyrated her ass at the same time while pressing her engorged clit against the base of my rod or so it felt. She found her own G-Spot with my cockhead and used that shit to massage her greedy pussy until she was leaking like a busted pipe all over my shit.

“I’m sorry, I thought I would last longer.” Shit, I threw her onto her back, being as careful as I could be, and pounded her to orgasm as the first of my seed flew out of my balls. That set some shit off inside her, and she damn near tore my ears off the side of my head when she gripped them and pulled my head around so she could reach my lips.

I throbbed the last of my seed inside her as our tongues mated, and our hearts raced out of synch. “I love you, Justine,” I tell her that so much she must be tired of hearing it by now, but damn if she doesn’t pull it out of me. She wrapped her legs around my ass and her arms around my neck and looked into my eyes as she gave the words back to me. “And I love you.”

I ended up falling asleep still buried inside her though I had the good sense to position my body so that I wasn’t crushing her. My little darling is going to be up in another couple hours with her shit, and daddy is going to be on duty again. I’m no fool. I know that a woman needs time for her body to heal after giving birth, and that shit can take much longer according to how much help she gets.

I’ve been working from home since we brought the baby home and the only thing Justine has had to do in the last month and a half is sit while I or one of the kids bring the baby to her. She gets a massage once a week, her nail technician comes to the house to take care of her, and that damn Janelle is here at least twice a week with her shit. Samantha, too, has taken to dropping in, and the three of them are thick as thieves.

I haven’t seen nor heard anything from Janine in a while, but from what I heard, she’s found a new target for her bullshit, which is fine by me. My wife made some kind of sighing noise in her sleep and shifted, and I ended up with her tit in my mouth. I suckled her for a little bit promising myself not to take too much. I wonder what she thinks about having another baby in about nine months? I hear Irish twins are the in thing.

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