Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,50

birthday celebration went up a couple notches after her announcement.

That was months ago, and we were coming down to D-day. It’s been a while since I tried sticking my nose in Tyler’s business, but I noticed lately that Lora had been acting kind of off, and that got me to thinking. Justine and I were family, and so was Ty and I. Justine and Lora had moved into my home where my son and I had lived for years. Lora was the odd man out, or so it seems. And now there’s a baby coming that will connect the three of us together.

It broke my heart to see Lora looking so broken-hearted, so I talked to Justine, and we both agreed that it would be great if I adopted Lora. I’ve been treating her as mine since the day I put my ring on her mother’s finger, but maybe that piece of paper would make it more official and keep her from looking like she had no place here or whatever it is that’s been going on with her.

I brought it up to Ty and ended up being more confused than before. From his reaction, I couldn’t tell what the hell was going on in his head, and if that wasn’t bad enough, he and Lora seemed to be having some kind of falling out with slamming doors and avoiding each other.

Then an old friend and his wife and daughter moved back to town, and it looked like Ty, and his childhood friend was an item, at least according to the girl they were, and I bought it until my son damn near ripped me a new one, so now I’m back to being all the way confused as hell.

Some crap went wrong, and Tyler went back to his spying shit, and I don’t know what the hell because my baby girl was about to be born. It’s while Justine and the baby were in the hospital that I found out the truth once and for all about the kids.

I was supposed to be at the hospital but came home for a little shuteye and to pick up something for Justine that she just couldn’t do without even though she was coming home the next day. I walked into the house, and no one was there, even though the kids were supposed to be home.

I heard sounds coming from the back where the indoor pool was and started walking that way before turning right around and heading out of the house. “Well, shit!” I wasn’t sure if I should tell Lora’s mom that I’d seen my son and her daughter making out or not, but in the end, my son manned up not long after and came clean on his own before things got out of hand.

I had to do a lot of fast-talking to keep Justine from losing her shit since all she could see right before her was her daughter walking down the same path she had. In the end, I got her to see that Tyler was nothing like her ass of an ex, and of course, I had a talk with my boy who I had no doubt was head over heels in love with his girl.

The kids still planned to go off to college, the only difference being that Lora was going to graduate a year early, and from everything, they said they had a good head on their shoulders and knew what they wanted and how to go about getting it. All in all, our little family was going strong, and everyone was in love with baby Lisa.

I dropped down on the bed next to my wife ass tired. Lisa was coming up on a month and a half, and she’s proving to be more of a handful than her big brother. She seems to know whenever I’m trying to bone her mom because she starts screaming bloody murder as soon as I turn to my wife. Something Justine seems to think is hilarious.

“Did she go back down?” I heard the laughter in her voice and was not amused. I guess she didn’t like being ignored because her hand came out and touched my dick, which was not even going to attempt to get into the game for fear of my daughter cock blocking again.

“I’m going to sleep!” I sounded like a three-year-old about to have a tantrum, but who can blame me? I’ve had sex with my woman twice in the last two Copyright 2016 - 2024