Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,4

school. That’s when I went postal on her ass for the first time since she left and let her know in no uncertain terms what I would do to her if she fucked with my kid.

“He’s my son too.”

“The fuck he is. You threw him away for some dick, now get the fuck outta here before I toss your ass over the hedges.” That had been a dark day. I’d tried since the day she told me she was leaving and called me a loser not to lose my cool with her, not to give her the satisfaction of seeing how much her actions hurt me.

Funny thing is, it didn’t even take three days for me to not miss her and to admit to myself that once I got the hang of things, my son and I would be better off without her toxic ass in the picture. After that fiasco, she’d stayed her ass away from me. She’d tried running game on Tyler a time or two, but I didn’t raise no fool, and my boy had let her know what’s what. She got the message when he started calling her Janine, and we got some much-needed peace after that, until now.

This trick has got it into her head that she has some sort of say in how I live my life. When she first heard that Justine and I were getting married, she’d thrown a fit, then claimed she didn’t want another woman around her son. Ty was already seventeen at this point and had spoken to her maybe three times in the last couple of years. I doubt she even remembers when his birthday is.

I laughed at her stupid ass and hung up then too. Then she started pestering Tyler until the little shit came to me. “Your ex-wife keeps bugging me what gives?”

“She’s pissed that I’m getting remarried.”

“That sounds like a you problem; why is she calling me?”

“She’s your mother; you deal with her.”

“Hell no old man, you’re the one who married her, I had no say in the matter. Get rid of her, or I’ll have to change my number again.” The little shit would do it too; that’s what he did the last time she got on his nerves.

I have no clue where he gets his don’t give a shit attitude from. I’d say it was the change in our finances these last few years, but the truth is, he started acting this way the year after she left when we were still barely above dirt poor.

My eyes fell on the little calendar on my desk with the big red circle around today’s date. See, Janine can suck the joy out of anything. I came here thinking about my new kid and how I had maybe, just maybe planted her in my wife this morning and was filled with daydreams about all was I going to do for my little princess. Two seconds in the door and that hag had damn near wiped my mind clean.

I had a sudden thought that she might show up at my house since she’s been acting so erratic since the wedding. So far, I’ve been able to protect Justine from her shit, but what if she shows up when I’m not there? I picked up the phone to call home and give her a heads up but then put the phone down again. She had enough on her plate since her asshole ex has been acting up lately as well. Thank fuck he doesn’t live anywhere near us.

I calmed myself with the fact that Justine would have to let her through the gate for her to even get on the property, so there wasn’t anything to worry about, and went on with work. I only spent a few minutes in the office before heading out to the new job site where my guys, a crew of about ten men, were working on the new hotel on the outskirts of town.

This would be the fourth one I’m building for the same guy, the man who’d single-handedly taken me from rags to riches all those years ago. Had it only been seven years? Things have changed so much in that time that it seemed like it’s been forever.

I wasn’t surprised to see him there doing a walkthrough when I pulled up. He grinned and waved when he saw me and walked over to greet me. “Grey, I didn’t know you were coming today.”

“This is why you’re my guy, you didn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024