Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,3

one thing, the bitch didn’t want me anymore, fair enough; I’m a grown-ass man. But to walk away from an impressionable little boy without a backward glance and without explanation, fuck her.

“What do you want, Janine?”

“Is that any way to talk to your wife?”

“My wife is at home in my bed.” Silence, long and uncomfortable, not my problem.

“So, your little gold digger doesn’t work?” Click! I hung up and ignored my secretary when she called through to say Janine was on the phone again.

I won’t tell her to ignore her calls or block her; she’s Tyler’s mom, after all. And even though I’m his primary caregiver and has been since the divorce, my son is old enough and smart enough to decide if he wants her out of his life. Until that day comes, I’ll put up with her annoying ass unless she verbally attacks my wife, something she’s grown quite fond of doing here of late.

It amazes me that she never even looked in my direction in years until now. Back when I first started doing better for myself, she’d tried slithering her way back into my good graces. Because the asshole she’d left me for had money, and I was pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel, she’d forfeited her parental rights in lieu of any alimony or anything else from me.

She’d wanted her freedom more than the pittance I had or the little rundown house I owned back then that had been a fixer-upper I’d bought cheap and made into a home for my little family and me. It was rough as shit back in those days. Trying to get a fledgling business off the ground while raising my son, who was dealing with the heartache of being abandoned by his mother.

I’d taken him everywhere with me in those first days, and we grew even closer than we already were. I knew I had to play the role of both parents, which was challenging, especially in those situations that called for good cop bad cop, and I had to play both. Somehow we helped each other through it and came out on top.

It wasn’t easy, and it didn’t happen overnight; in fact, I kept the fact that I was doing so well under wraps for a very long time. My only interest was in giving my son a better quality of life, and once I had my shit together, I put everything into play to make sure of that. It was a fluke or dumb luck that had taken me from where I was to where I am now, but that’s for another time.

Once I sat down with my boy and explained that daddy could now afford to get him better jeans without holes in them and shoes that didn’t pinch, we were on our way up and out. Since I didn’t need to tell my ex where we were going since she’d given away all her rights, I bought the sprawling mansion across town, changed Ty’s school, and took him on his first trip out of the country for his eleventh birthday.

Somehow his mother got wind of it and started sticking her nose in my shit. It only took seeing the house and my new luxury SUV for her to start seeing dollar signs, and I had to send her packing more than once. I’d laughed my ass off about the third or fourth time when she said she knew I was still in love with her because I never remarried.

“Wrong, when you waltz with the devil once and are lucky enough to walk away unscathed, you strike that shit off your dance card and keep it pushing. You are the reason I won’t get married again, true, but not because of any love I have for you. I just absolutely hate evil. My son and I are fine without it. As you can see, once we got rid of the demonic presence in our lives, everything started going fine.” It was a shit fuck thing to say to the woman I’d once thought myself in love with, but I don’t owe her shit, so there you have it.

She’d done a good impression of Regan MacNeil from the exorcist that day; I even expected her head to spin the fuck around on her neck and for green bile to come spewing out of her trap. I just walked away and left her screaming on my driveway, threatening to stay there until Tyler got home from Copyright 2016 - 2024