Mastered by the Berserkers (Berserker Brides #8) - Lee Savino Page 0,43

faith only stretched so far.

Please, I begged, lifting my face to the moon. I had prayed to God every day, and kept busy tending to the orphans. And though waiting was hard, a peace had fallen over me.

The time for waiting was over.

Juliet? Where are you? I nearly leapt at the touch of Fenrir’s mind to mine.

I am here. I sent him an image of myself standing in the doorway of the lodge. I am waiting. I stopped pacing. I shifted from foot to foot, my heart pounding like a drum.

We are coming. We are almost home.

I closed my eyes and Saw what surrounded my warriors. The path up the mountain. Around them, the forest blurred.

I opened my eyes the exact moment Jarl’s head appeared over the rise. Fenrir followed. When they saw me, they quickened their pace, only to slow as they approached. They looked tired, and their clothes were dirty, but they were home.

I raced the final steps to them, grabbed the front of their jerkins and pulled them down to kiss them both.

“Thank God. Thank God.” I was sobbing.

“Thank Fenrir. He saved my life more than once.” Jarl grunted.

“Thank you,” I breathed and launched myself into Fenrir’s arms. He laughed as he caught me.

“Is it over?” I asked. “Is it done?”

He pressed his forehead to mine. “It’s done. The mountain is safe.”

I did not ask how they defeated the Corpse King. That story would come, perhaps when we were back at the mouth to the Alphas’ caves, gathered around the fire.

“Little wife,” Fenrir cupped my face in his hands and looked me over. When he got to my feet, he frowned. “Where are your boots?”

I laughed through my tears. “I gave them to Meadow.” The oldest of the unmated spaewives had been pining since all available warriors were called to fight the Corpse King. A new pair of boots gave her some cheer.

A growl rumbled in Fenrir’s chest as he wiped my tears away. He shook his head, mock grumbling, “As soon as we bring them to you, you give them away.”

“Meadow thanks you for the gift.” I closed my eyes as he nuzzled my cheek, giving the side of my neck a little nip. “I did it so you would return safely to me.”

When he stood back from me, he had a pair of new boots in his hands. “Do not give these away. Simply tell us who needs a pair, and we will provide for them.”

“Thank you, husband.”

“Let’s go inside,” he growled. “It’s too cold for you.”

I sighed and let him draw me back near the fire. “The weather is still not right for late spring.” I bit my lip. Was it fallout from the Corpse King?

“It may take time for the weather to return to normal,” Fenrir said. “But do not fear, little mother. We fully enjoy the time we pass indoors.”

They laid me down and fussed over me. Fenrir tucked me into the pelts while Jarl built up the fire.

“There’s plenty of wood,” he remarked.

“Knut kept it stocked,” I said from my place, cozy and warm in the furs. “He brought me here today, in gratitude for helping his mate. Hazel gave birth at the time of the new moon. A girl.”

“Knut is a father.” Fenrir shook his head.

I ducked my head. By Michaelmas, they too would be fathers, but I had not told them.

As they completed their chores one by one, they left to dip in the cold stream that ran beside the lodge. They returned, naked and tossing their heads to shake off the excess water. The sight of their bare bodies warmed me through and through.

“It’s good to be clean,” Fenrir said, and Jarl agreed.

“We brought some fresh game,” Jarl opened his pack. “We also have dried meat, though I am sick of it.”

“We can hunt,” Fenrir added.

“I am not hungry for meat,” I told them. “I am hungry for you.” I tossed away the pelt covering me and pulled up my dress.

The bed shook as two Berserkers lay down. “Little wife,” Jarl growled against my lips. “We are hungry for you as well.”

I kissed him until my face was red and chafed from his thick beard. When I turned to Fenrir, Jarl set his hands inside my dress bodice and ripped it open.

I gasped and he muttered, “We’ll find you another.”

Fenrir claimed my mouth as Jarl browsed between my breasts. His teeth latched onto my sensitive nipple and I cried out.

Fenrir raised his head. “Are you all right?”

“Yes.” I Copyright 2016 - 2024