Mastered by the Berserkers (Berserker Brides #8) - Lee Savino Page 0,42

mates. He gazed around the clearing and the drums fell silent. After a moment, he began.

“We are gathered here for the trial of Jarl and Fenrir. These warriors have broken our decree and harmed a spaewife. They took her for their own and held her in a hidden lodge for several days. They do not deny it.” Though he spoke in a low, measured tone, his voice boomed around the clearing, amplified by the stones. “Will anyone speak for them?”

I stepped forward before I began. “I am Juliet, and I will speak for them.”

“You will?” asked Samuel. “Why?”

“They are my husbands.” I was shaking, but I shouted louder. “In the eyes of God and man.”

The Alpha cocked his head to the side. “Which god?”

“My God. They knew I kept the faith, and they sought a priest so we could be married. They have treated me well. And though I was reluctant at first,” the corner of my mouth quirked at the understated truth, “I am their wife now. I will not leave them.”

“So you accept these men as your mates?”

“Yes. My mates and my husbands. I wish that you would pardon them.” My voice broke but I forged on. “I love them.”

Across the fire, Jarl and Fenrir held my gaze.

“Is this true?” Samuel looked beyond me. “She has accepted them?”

“It’s true.” Muriel and Sabine stepped to my side. “We have spoken with Juliet and she told us everything.”

Samuel thought some more. The assembly of warriors was quiet, almost too quiet. I knew Samuel was communing with his Alpha brothers, but I did not know what the verdict would be.

Overhead, hawks wheeled in the spring sunshine. My legs trembled.

“Very well.” When Samuel spoke up again, I nearly toppled over. I gripped my skirts harder. “Spaewife Juliet, we hear your plea.” His voice softened. “Because you have spoken for them, we will not sentence them to death. But we cannot overlook their crime. There are consequences to kidnapping and keeping a spaewife.” He glared at the assembled warriors.

“Didn’t they do what you did?” My voice rang out before I could stop it. Samuel looked to me and I wiped my sweating palms on my gown. “My lord, forgive me. But we’ve all heard the stories of how you found your mate. And how the Alphas of the Lowland pack found theirs.”

A murmur rose among the warriors. “Silence,” Ragnvald ordered and fixed me with a crooked grin. “You know the tales, so you know why there are rules. You know why they are important. We must protect the spaewives.”

“They did protect me.” From myself. “But if you will hold them to rules you yourself broke, then I pray you will show them mercy.”

“Mercy,” Samuel murmured, stroking his blond beard. Beside him, on a smaller stone throne, Brenna reached out and squeezed his hand.

“Very well. We will show them mercy. But they will still have a punishment. In the coming war with the Corpse King, they will fight on the front lines.”

I covered my face with my hands.

Muriel put her hand on my back in comfort. “At least it is not a death sentence.”

“Is it not?” I muttered. The Corpse King’s magic was growing. The witches did not dare approach him, lest he conquer them and drain their powers for his own. How would the Berserkers fare?

Muriel moved away, and the scent of woodsmoke surrounded me. “It’s all right, little wife,” Fenrir tugged my hands down. I threw myself against him, hugging him, soaking in his warmth.

Jarl pressed against my back. “We will fight and we will win.”

“They say it’s hopeless,” I whispered.

“Then you must pray. You have told us stories of your God and his followers. Didn’t they often face the impossible?”

“Yes.” I blink as Jarl brushed tears off my cheeks.

“Then pray to your God. And believe.”



The moon was waxing once more when I stood again in the door of the lodge Jarl and Fenrir had built for me. My hands rubbed the curve of my belly. I was not showing, but one day my belly would be as round as the full moon. I had not told anyone, because they would insist I stay in the Alphas’ caves with the rest of the women.

I paced in front of the lodge, unable to keep still. Today was the day the Berserkers were returning home. My men had fought on the front lines, and though I’d heard reports that they were well, I would not believe it until I laid my eyes on them.

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