Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,35

guess. You want me to stop what I was doing and move on, is that it?’

Thank God he wasn’t so shy, she thought, and nodded.

He bent down and kissed her tenderly on the lips, then not quite so tenderly. Her lips flowered open and his tongue slid inside. And it was whilst he was kissing her that his hand very definitely moved on, bypassing her throbbing clitoris to delve into the deep core of her sex, first with one finger, then two, then three. She cried out with pleasure, her muscles closing tightly around his fingers, squeezing and releasing in an instinctively primal rhythm. She no longer worried about coming. All she wanted was for him to keep doing what he was doing.

But he didn’t. He stopped.

She stared up at him, eyes glazed, heart pounding as he moved swiftly to position himself between her thighs before lifting her legs up and wrapping them high around his waist.

‘Tell me if I hurt you,’ he said in a low, gravelly voice as he ever so gently rubbed himself against the entrance to her vagina.

Violet moaned. Hurt her—was he insane? It felt delicious. He felt delicious.

Finally, he began to ease himself inside her, his eyes glued to hers—watching for signs of pain, she presumed. But there was no pain, only a momentary discomfort as her body stretched to accommodate him. How beautifully they fitted together, Violet thought once he was fully inside her. And how beautiful he was, this wonderful man. Her first lover. Her first love.

Because, of course, she loved him. How could she not?

Violet sighed with happiness.

‘Everything all right, Violet?’

‘Everything’s perfect,’ she murmured.

‘You constantly amaze me,’ he muttered. ‘But no more talking. I’m done with talking for now.’

Violet was glad of that. She didn’t want to talk either, not once he started moving. It felt so amazing. And so right. She wanted it to go on for ever.

But of course Mother Nature didn’t plan for intercourse to go on for ever. The pleasure of mating was designed for one purpose and one purpose only: the propagation of the species. Soon, Violet’s hips were rising from the bed to meet Leo’s, the action making his penetration deeper and bringing her womb closer to where his seed would have soon sallied forth, if he hadn’t been wearing protection.

Leo’s thrusting became faster and harder, his quickening rhythm bringing a torturous edge to her pleasure. Violet groaned and moaned, her head twisting from side to side in response to the sensations gathering deep inside her. Her heart thundered in her chest, her mouth falling wide open as every muscle she owned tightened in anticipation of her imminent release.

When the first spasm struck she gasped, her back arching from the bed as spasm after spasm buffeted her body. Leo clasped her close as he came too. Violet was stunned at how incredible that felt, their coming together, so much more pleasurable and powerful than anything she’d experienced alone. Much more satisfying as well. But way more tiring.

Even before he withdrew, Violet yawned, her legs falling limply back onto the bed. She tried to stay awake, telling herself not to waste a moment of her one precious night with this man. But it didn’t help when Leo cuddled her to him like two spoons, his body heat increasing the lethargy which was already stealing through every pore in her body. She vaguely recalled his saying her name as he kissed her hair, and then the curtain came down.


LEO WOKE FIRST, a quick glance at the digital clock beside the bed revealing it was just after nine. He hadn’t slept all that long, thank God.

Very carefully he unwrapped himself from Violet’s unconscious body and sat up on the side of the bed whilst he tried to get his head around things. The evening was still quite young; there were at least three hours left before he would be obliged to take Violet home. The show they were supposed to be attending had started at eight and would probably finish around eleven, after which it was reasonable that he would take his date for coffee or a drink at the casino. There would be no awkward questions asked if she arrived home between midnight and one o’clock.

A lot could be done in bed in three hours...

Leo twisted round to gaze down upon Violet’s sleeping form, his sated sex kicking back to life as his eyes roved over the feminine perfection of her body. He loved her hour-glass shape, Copyright 2016 - 2024