Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,34

and startlingly erect male body.

Oh my, she thought as her eyes took all of him in with a single mouth-drying glance.

Violet had never seen an aroused naked male before but she’d imagined what one looked like. The reality didn’t disappoint, Leo fulfilled every one of Violet’s sexual fantasies.

‘See what you’ve done to me?’ he said as he reached for the nearby condom then ripped the packaging apart. ‘I’d best put this on before we start. I suspect that once I join you on that bed things could quickly get out of control. I swear to you, Violet, I’ve never met a girl who does to me what you do to me.’

She would have asked him what it was that she did to him if she hadn’t been so caught up in watching him don the condom. He didn’t turn away to do it, obviously not bothered by her eyes on him. Clearly, he’d done this many times before, a thought which sparked a jab of jealousy till she firmly brushed such thinking aside as typically virginal thinking, and quite silly, under the circumstances.

She liked it that Leo was a man of the world. It was one of the things she found fascinating about him. So he’d been with lots of women before—so what? According to him, none of them did for him what she did. What a deliciously flattering thought!

Once the condom was firmly in place, Violet wondered what it felt like. Was it better without one on, or didn’t it matter? More questions which she didn’t dare ask. Not right then, anyway.

He finally stretched out beside her on the bed, just far enough away so that his erection didn’t touch her. She stiffened when he pushed her over onto her back, sucking in sharply when his left hand came to rest on her by then tightly held belly.

‘Try to relax,’ he advised softly.

Violet let the trapped air out of her lungs in a rush once his hand moved up her breasts, a low moan punching from her throat. Oh, Lord. So this was what it felt like to have one’s breasts played with. It was even better than she’d imagined.

‘Oh!’ she cried out when he squeezed one of her nipples.

Possibly he thought she was making a protest, for his hand immediately abandoned her burning nipple to travel slowly down her body, trailing erotic circles around her navel before eventually moving lower. Violet tried to relax but could not, holding her breath as his fingers slid slowly into the dark curls which covered her pubic bone.

‘Move your legs apart, Violet,’ he ordered thickly.

She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she did so, fear gripping her once more, the fear of disappointing him. Her teeth clenched down hard in her jaw, all her muscles tightening.

‘Breathe, Violet,’ he commanded a little gruffly.

She didn’t breathe so much as pant. His fingers were there now, touching her right on that spot which loved to be touched. She squirmed with a mad mixture of pleasure and frustration. For she knew, if he kept doing that, she would come. Despite being a virgin, Violet was no stranger to orgasms. She’d been giving herself them for a good while now.

‘You have to stop doing that,’ she cried out, her eyes flinging open to find him looming over her, his eyes narrowed, his expression somewhat tense.

‘Do I?’ he said, the initial surprise in his eyes changing to a knowing amusement. ‘And why is that, sweet Violet?’

‘You know why,’ she threw at him, angry at his wanting her to admit something so private.

‘You’ll come,’ he said for her.

She bit her bottom lip, feeling quite mortified.

‘Absolutely no reason to be embarrassed, Violet,’ he said in that silky-smooth voice which she loved. ‘I would be shocked if someone of your age hadn’t discovered self-pleasure. Frankly, it’s a huge relief that you’re obviously highly sexed.’

She blinked up at him. He thought she was highly sexed? Was that good? It sounded slightly...slutty.

‘Trust me when I assure you that you could come now and it would not be the end of things. A woman can come many times during one night’s love-making.’

Violet had read of such things, but thought they belonged in the world of romantic fiction. And romantic fantasies. Even if it were true, she didn’t want to come that way. Not tonight.

‘But I...’ she began, then broke off. How difficult it was just to tell him so. Not just difficult—impossible!

‘Now, what does that screwed-up face mean?’ he asked gently. ‘No, let me Copyright 2016 - 2024