Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,29

be very attracted to him.’

The waiter arrived just then to take their orders for dessert. Violet was totally taken aback when Leo announced brusquely that they would not be having dessert or coffee and could he just bring the bill.

‘We don’t have enough time for any of that,’ he told her when the waiter hurried off to do Leo’s bidding.

Violet glanced at her wristwatch which showed only seven-fifteen.

Though confused, she said nothing. Maybe he was one of those people who had to be early for everything. Besides, it wasn’t as though she was desperate for dessert. All that wine had supplied her with enough extra calories for one evening. Her head was spinning a little, a sure sign that she’d downed most of the bottle. She wasn’t drunk but she was not quite herself, as evidenced by the rather reckless feelings coursing through her veins.

Leo paid the bill in cash, the pleased look on the waiter’s face revealing that he’d been left a huge tip. Leo shepherded her out of the restaurant and towards the walkway with a speed which suggested they were running seriously late rather than forty minutes early.

‘The show doesn’t start till eight,’ she reminded him.

‘We’re not going to the show,’ he replied, his grip tightening on her elbow.

Violet ground to a slightly unsteady halt. Maybe she was drunk after all.

‘Where are we going, then?’

For the first time that night, his eyes glittered down at her the way they had on New Year’s Eve. ‘If you’re as intelligent as Henry says you are, you already know the answer to that.’

Violet blinked up at him. ‘Not really.’

‘Wicked,’ he muttered. ‘But no matter. It’s too late. I can’t fight it any longer.’

‘Will you please stop talking in riddles?’

‘Do you think I’m a very nice man, Violet?’

‘Yes. Of course.’

‘And are you very attracted to me?’

‘Yes,’ she choked out, finally seeing what he was getting at. Good God!

‘Now you know where we’re going,’ he said thickly, his hand dropping her arm to lift to her face. His palm was hot against her cheek, his gaze just as hot. ‘Not to a show at the casino, but to one of their hotel rooms. A big room with a big bed and you naked between the sheets.’

Violet could no longer speak. Her mind was already in that room, in that bed, naked. A shiver rippled down her spine whilst her head tipped totally off its axis.

‘If I were a ruthless pirate I would not even ask your permission,’ he went on, his other hand lifting to take her entire face captive. ‘But I am not a pirate, or ruthless. I am, unfortunately, a nice man with a conscience. Though, damn it all, it’s been sorely tried since I met you. So, what’s it to be, Violet? Am I to be your first lover or not?’

What a silly question, she thought dazedly. As if she was going to knock him back. But it was still a nerve-wracking moment in her life. Her hesitation to answer was bound up with her own feelings of inadequacy, not her lack of desire for him. Lord, she wanted him like crazy. But she didn’t want to disappoint him, and she probably would. As much as he might want her back for whatever reason, she was what she was—a virgin.

‘I promise I won’t hurt you,’ he said in an impassioned voice. ‘I’ll be gentle. And I’ll give you pleasure. I’m good in bed. Maybe almost as good as your Captain Strongbow.’

But I’m nothing like Lady Gwendaline! she almost cried out. She could see that now. She wasn’t as brave or as bold. Or nearly as beautiful. The thought that Leo had been married to one of the most beautiful women in the world hardly helped her confidence. She could not hope to compare. Her body might be the best it had ever been but it was still far from perfect. Her breasts were too big; the same with her bum. And she was sure there were the remnants of cellulite still clinging to her thighs. The prospect of stripping naked in front of Leo had her stomach contracting and her heart doing somersaults.

Violet knew if she said no to him he would respect her wishes. But if she said no...

Her face twisted as she tried to picture how she would feel tomorrow if she did just that. She would hate herself. She had to seize this incredible opportunity with both hands. Had to!

Pushing aside all her qualms and doubts, Copyright 2016 - 2024