Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,28

Leo said.

‘I doubt it. I can’t see anyone ever presuming you were gay. But, to get on with my story, by the time I left to fly home I knew I wanted to make changes to my life, but I just didn’t know how. You’ve no idea how easy it is to get into the habit of being insular and introverted. Very easy not to bother about your wardrobe or your appearance as well. The truth is, I’d become a coward, for want of a better word. And lazy to boot.’

‘That’s being a bit harsh on yourself.’

‘No, no, don’t try to soft-soap me, Leo. I am well aware of what I’d become. But it really came home to me when I read Captain Strongbow’s Woman again during the flight home.’

‘What was that? Captain who’s woman?’

‘Captain Strongbow’s. It’s the title of my favourite historical romance from back when I was a teenager. I hadn’t read it for years and I was curious to see if it still captivated me as much.’

‘And did it?’

‘Absolutely. I loved every word. And I still loved the hero, despite his being politically incorrect in this day and age. I mean, you could never write a modern hero who kidnaps the heroine then says he’s going to have sex with her with or without her permission.’

‘He raped her?’ Leo exclaimed, obvious distaste in his voice and on his face.

‘Well, no, he didn’t have to in the end. Lady Gwendaline decided to co-operate. Still, even if she hadn’t, I’m pretty sure it would have been more seduction than rape. The captain was very good in bed, you see.’

‘But of course,’ Leo said with an amused smile.

‘Oh, I know what you’re thinking,’ Violet said. ‘And, yes, I agree that it’s just a fantasy. But it wasn’t the romance part which interested me so much when I read the book again but Lady Gwendaline’s character. I finally saw how brave she was. Every time she was faced with a difficult situation, she didn’t faint or run away or hide. She met each crisis head-on. She wasn’t passive, she was proactive. I was sitting there in the plane thinking how terribly weak I was for the way I was leading my life when I was suddenly faced with a life-threatening crisis of my own.’

She stopped for a few seconds to take another fortifying swallow of wine.

‘Go on,’ Leo urged. ‘Don’t leave me dangling. What happened?’

‘The plane nearly crashed, that’s what happened! For a few seconds there I thought I might die. Trust me when I say there’s nothing like narrowly escaping death to inspire you to make some life-changing resolutions!’

‘I can believe that,’ Leo said sympathetically. ‘So what were they, these life-changing resolutions? Sounds like more than just your accepting social invitations from now on.’

Violet’s courage suddenly started to fail her. ‘Oh...just girl stuff mostly. You know—new hair. New wardrobe. Oh, and a new car. Not that I have an old one,’ she blathered on. ‘I usually just drive Joy’s. But if I’m going to be more social then I’ll need a car of my own.’

Leo looked somewhat sceptical. ‘That’s it? Come, now, Violet, you haven’t told me the whole truth, have you? What else have you resolved to do?’

Violet was about to deny that there was anything else when she thought of Lady Gwendaline. She wouldn’t have shrunk away from telling the truth. Not in a million years! So Violet squared her shoulders and sat up straight. ‘Very well. If you must know, my main New Year’s resolution is not to go back home next Christmas still a virgin.’

Leo’s head jerked back, his eyes narrowing as he stared hard at her for several seconds. When he finally broke his silence, his voice was clipped and hard.

‘So if I come back to visit Henry next Christmas, I will find a very different Violet to the one sitting opposite me tonight?’

Violet wasn’t sure why she blushed, but she did. And it annoyed the hell out of her. Leo’s obvious disapproval annoyed her as well. Who did he think he was to pass judgement on her? He was hardly a saint in the sex and relationship department, as he himself had pointed out to her the other night.

‘I certainly hope so,’ she bit out, lifting her chin as she stared defiantly across the table at him.

‘I hope you don’t intend to give yourself to just anyone.’

Violet bristled. ‘Of course not. He would have to be a very nice man, and I’d have to Copyright 2016 - 2024