Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,92

you and she’s going to need you to get your fucking head together. You can’t help her feeling sorry for yourself. None of this is your fault. No one could have predicted this happening,’’ Mav tells me, clapping me on the shoulder.

“I still think we should go torch the fucker’s house,’’ Max grumbles, looking seriously pissed.

“You okay?’’ I ask, realising I’m not the only one struggling here.

A manic laugh leaves his throat, his head thrown back until he drops it forward, his eyes hard and boring into mine.

“She’s one of my best mates, dude. She’s the only chick apart from Harlow I actually like and not want to stick my dick in her. But worst of all, I hate seeing you so fucking messed that your throwing punches in walls that can’t fight back. You’re being a pussy,’’ he snarks, his sarcastic tone trying to lighten the mood. I give him a small grin, knowing he’s not comfortable with all this touchy, feely shit. He’s never been one to express his feelings, or really show when he’s upset. He only gets happy, over happy, or angry. There’s never really anywhere in between with him.

“Okaaay,’’ I say slowly before leaning against the kitchen work surface. “What are we going to do? If we can’t go to the police, then what the fuck are we going to do? I’m not risking her or the baby’s life.’’

“I have an idea,’’ Harlow pipes up, tears still staining her face.

“Babe, let us try and sort it out,’’ Malik tells her, wrapping his arm around her and bringing her flush against his chest.

“Fuck off Malik and let me talk. Just cause I’m a girl doesn’t mean my ideas won’t work,’’ she snaps glaring at him. Then she turns to me and gives me a sad smile. “I reckon we call the police- just let me finish please,’’ she begs when I go to interrupt her.

“Go on,’’ I nod for her to continue.

“I think we should call the police, explain over the phone about what is happening, and that he must have someone watching us or his house or something for him to know if we do call them. He said he’ll tell us where Denny is if we bring him what he wants. If I write a forged statement giving him everything he wants then it will work.’’

“No Harlow. He tried to rape you, he can’t get away with this,’’ Malik growls.

“I know babe, but you’re not getting it. It doesn’t matter what I give him because we’ll be telling the police what it says. We can also call my lawyer and see if there is a clause or something that will get it dismissed. It’s either that or we try to figure out where he has her on that video,’’ she says, pointing to me where her phone is still held in my hand.

“Let’s call the police first and see what they suggest,’’ my Granddad replies looking tired as hell.

Mary, Denny’s Nan rushes into the room like her ass is on fire. “I’m so sorry. After bingo we went for a drink and I passed out on the sofa. I didn’t hear my phone. I woke up to get a glass of water,’’ she cries, her hair a wild mess and crinkled clothes loose on her body. “I’m so sorry. What’s happening?’’ she asks and it’s Denny’s dad, Charles who answers.

“She’s been taken by some thug who’s brother attacked this little one,’’ he says gesturing to Harlow.

“Yes, Denny told me all about it when we left,’’ she says looking confused.

“Well the attacker’s older brother has taken Denny so he can blackmail a written statement off Harlow to release his brother from all charges. He won’t tell us where she is until he has what he wants.’’

“So if we know who he is and why he has her then there is not a thing the courts will do. Give him what he wants because it won’t stand up in court. Harlow only has to stand up in court and tell them it was forced, that Denny was kidnapped and threatened. It won’t get used. Give him that and he gives us Denny...unless...’’

“Unless what?’’ I ask, staring at the crazy lady with wide eyes. How is it we’ve all been running this around in our heads for the past how many hours and she turns up and makes more sense of it all?

Like I said, crazy lady.

“Unless he’s not planning on releasing her,’’ she whispers, holding a Copyright 2016 - 2024