Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,91

the police and tell them that what happened here was a lie. Say that you didn’t know how much trouble he would get in, please. I’m begging you,’’ she sobs, her eyes darting above the camera, to the camera then to somewhere in the room. For some reason it’s like she’s trying to tell us something.

“Times up, bitch. You have until tomorrow morning at nine to have the charges dropped, otherwise she dies,’’ the voice snaps from behind the camera, not once does the pussy show his face.

“What the fuck?’’ Maverick says, speaking first. The room has gone deadly silent and I move back, my eyes not blinking, my body locked up tight. My fist lifts with its own accord and all I can focus on right now is pain. Inflicting it, receiving it and needing it. I punch the kitchen door, the wood splintering and breaking around my knuckles, neither the pain nor blood are registering. No one tries to stop me, not even when I raise my bloody hand back up and punch it again.

When I still don’t feel any better, I grab the nearest thing to me which happens to be a cup and throw it across the room, the sound of the smash not deterring me from grabbing another and doing the same.

I feel glass crunch under my feet. I don’t know how much I’ve smashed or what I’ve broken, I just know it’s a hell of a lot, and no one tried to stop me. They obviously knew I needed this, needed to feel something other than pure rage and fear.

I can’t lose her, I whisper in my head, the same mantra I’ve repeated to myself all night as my knees fall to the floor in a heap, the glass crunching under my weight.

“Call the police, get them here, tell them that Denny has made contact and who has her,’’ I hear my big brother tell someone. His words are background noise to me. That is until I repeat in my head what he said, then I stand up, getting in his face.

“Who the fuck has her?’’ I yell, standing toe to toe with my brother.

“Calm down bro, we’ll get her. I recognized the voice as Carl, Carl Davis. This just makes sense. The only thing that doesn’t make any sense is why her mother has her stuff.’’

“Probably sold her out, the sick fucking bitch,’’ Max growls, looking as pissed as I am.

“Let’s go then. We know where the fucker lives,’’ I tell them, feeling hope flare in my veins.

“No, don’t,’’ Harlow shouts rushing back into the room. “He just sent me a text message saying no police. If we do...,’’ she chokes out, not able to tell us the rest. Malik gently takes the phone off her, reads the message, then his hard eyes look back up at mine. It’s then I know that it’s something seriously sick.

I grab the phone from his hand before Mav has a chance to stop me. He’s standing close behind me, reading the message himself from over my shoulder.

Unknown number: No police. If I even get a whiff of a pig, you’ll be receiving your child in a box... oh and make sure the bitch brings a signed statement. I’ll text you in a few hours where to meet. If the bitch doesn’t bring me what I want then you’ll never find the bitch or the baby again. As soon as I have what I want, I’ll tell you where I have her.

“I’m going to fucking kill him and his fucked up brother,’’ I growl. “This is why I pushed her away. I can’t fucking protect her; I’m fucking useless like dad always said I was. Only ever good enough for one thing,’’ I snarl, pacing along the kitchen. Everyone stares at me, but I don’t care; I just fucking need her back. “You all told me to give it a chance, that it will be worth it, but look at her now. She’s hurt, scared out of her fucking mind and the sick bastard is threatening to kill our baby,’’ I shout out, throwing another punch to the kitchen cabinet.

“Calm the fuck down now, bro. If anyone deserves happiness in their lives it’s you, brother. Denny loves you. She really fucking loves you and she’s going to be in that room scared out of her mind, thinking about coming home to you. She’s relying on you,’’ Myles shouts, tears pooling in his eyes.

“He’s right Mason. She loves Copyright 2016 - 2024