Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,36

chair in for him.

“Thanks,’’ I smile, ignoring the man when he protests since he clearly just ignored me. When I look down at him he’s glaring up at me, his face bright red, and his moustache covered in either beans or tomato sauce. My guess... could be both. The jury is still out.

“Oh and you’re going to pay for that little tease back there,’’ he whispers down to my ear making me blush. I quickly move to our table to get away, gutted when I find the only other empty seats are the ones next to each other. Myles grins at me when he notices my displeasure and I know he has something to do with it. I give him the glare that says ‘shut it’ which only makes him laugh harder.

I’m not halfway through my food when my belly starts to tighten. Brushing it off as nerves I take a sip of the orange juice that I got Mason to buy for me.

Seconds later I’m on my feet with my hands covering my mouth rushing to the toilets at the far end corner.

Trust us to be sitting the furthest away!

I’m not even in the loo before I’m throwing up my breakfast. I whimper feeling uncomfortable from not only being sick in a public place, but kneeling down on my freaking bare knees in a public toilet.


“Denny... Are you okay?’’ Harlow calls and I ignore her, not being able to stop the horrid retching.

What sounds like a scuffle soon turns into arguing on the other side of the door and I hope to God that they aren’t complaining about me. I’m pretty sure the shop next door could hear me throwing up, so I hate to think I’m putting people off their food. Especially after seeing the price for a small breakfast when we walked in.

“Fuck off!’’ is all I hear before another door is slammed shut. “Denny...Babe, is everything okay?’’ Mason’s worried voice comes from the other side of the door. I inwardly cringe at him hearing me like this. Not really attractive.

I groan not able to speak as the heaving stops. I rest my head in my hands, my elbows resting on the dingy toilet seat.

“Can you let me in please? I need to see you. Do we need to go to the hospital?’’

I wipe my mouth with the tissue, well tissue paper, wincing at how painful it is against my skin before flushing the toilet. I reluctantly open the cubicle door and wince seeing his worried, concerned expression.

He braces me in his arms, hugging the life out of me, and I have to catch my breath. “Oxygen is becoming an issue here, Mason,’’ I growl, hoping to Christ I don’t smell like vomit.

“Are you okay?’’ he asks looking me up and down like I had just fallen over and not thrown up everything my stomach was storing.

“Yeah. It’s normal to get sickness during pregnancy. I had it a lot when I moved in with my Nan and a little before, but I haven’t had it since,’’ I shrug moving out of his embrace so I can swill my mouth out in the sink. I look at the dirty, rusty sink and nearly pass swilling my mouth out, but then Mason produces a bottle of water and I sigh with relief.

“Use this, not the tap water. I asked Myles to get it for you,’’ he smiles sheepishly, and my eyes soften towards him. He’s so incredibly sweet, it’s like he’s a brand new person.

“Thank you,’’ I croak out, feeling embarrassed as I swirl my mouth out before taking a large swig of the refreshing cool water.

“You really should have sipped that,’’ he winces.

“It’s okay,’’ I giggle, feeling like I could easily go back to sleep.

“Look, I’m going to go talk to the lawyer. Why don’t you go sit in the car until I get back.’’

“What? Why? I’ve got to be in there in... Shit! I need to be there in ten minutes,’’ I squeak, rushing towards the door, but a large arm goes around my waist, under my belly pulling me back.

“You can’t stand up in court when you look like you’re about to pass out, Denny. You need to go home and rest.’’

“I’m bloody doing no such thing you idiot. I’m going. I’m fine. I was just sick which is normal during pregnancy, Mason. I’ll go home to sleep after. Don’t make me use your brothers against you,’’ I warn him and see his lips twitch.

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