Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,35

terrified of seeing Davis again.

“Okay. Just nervous I guess. He’s going to be so close. What if he attacks me?’’ her bottom lip trembles and I wrap her up in my arms just as Malik walks over to us.

“What’s up?’’

“Nothing,’’ Harlow replies the same time I reply, “She’s worried about Davis being in the court room.’’

“I knew there was something you weren’t telling me,’’ Malik growls, frowning at her.

“I didn’t want you to worry.’’

“I’m not worried, babe. He won’t get near you, I promise. If it’s just seeing him in general then I’ll make sure your attention is focused elsewhere,’’ he grins, but I can still read the concern in his eyes. He doesn’t like seeing her worried.

“You can’t do that in a court room,’’ she whisper yells making Malik and I chuckle.

“I can and I will if you worry babe. Go grab the table over there and we’ll bring the food over.’’


I didn’t go to the cash point machine before coming. I can’t see a place like this taking cards either. Not that the place is horrible, it just doesn’t seem to be updated into the twenty first century. I mean come on; they have what has to be the oldest till in history.

“Any chance the cafe isn’t as old as it looks and it takes cards?’’

“I don’t think so,’’ Malik answers confused, his eyes watching Harlow’s ass walking over to the table.

“I’m just going to pop down to the cash point. There’s one outside Tesco,’’ I tell him, ready to turn around until a demanding voice stops me.

“I don’t bloody think so woman. Go sit your ass down. I’ve already ordered for you,’’ Mason warns. I turn to find him looking at me like I’ve grown two heads and it kind of pisses me off.

“Excuse me?’’

“Yeah, excuse you. Did you really think I’d let you pay for your own breakfast?’’

“Mason, you didn’t exactly mention anything to me or even ask me what I even wanted to eat. I’m not a fucking mind reader.’’

“And that’s my queue to leave,’’ Malik mumbles walking off.

“I shouldn’t have to,’’ he says completely ignoring Malik. “You’re my woman and I asked you to come. Now let’s go sit down. I’ve ordered you a large tea and a full English breakfast. I made sure there wasn’t anything you couldn’t eat on there.’’

I stand still for a moment, not following him, I’m too shocked. Was that an argument? If so, who won? Because to me it sounded like I just got bossed about and treated like a dog.

“I’m not a fucking dog. I’m not going to heel because you said sit,’’ I snap, feeling my blood pressure rising.

“I didn’t treat you like a fucking dog, Denny,’’ he groans running his fingers through his dark hair. His muscles bulge as he does it and my mouth waters and I can’t help but ogle the way he flexes, or notice the way the tension has risen in the past few minutes. “You finished?’’ He says throwing my earlier question back at me.

I slyly grin up at him, moving forward just an inch before leaning up to whisper in his ear. I nearly forget what I was going to do when I feel his large, warm hands going to my hips. The sensation sends tingles through the material of the dress and has me sway unsteadily on my feet.

Remembering what I was doing I move my lips closer to his ear, so they lightly touch before talking. “No, because your clothes are in the way.’’ My voice is husky and not at all how I usually sound, it’s shocking even to me. To be honest I hadn’t expected that to come out of my mouth, I was going to say something sexy, but nothing came to mind.

My face is flushed when I pull back, my lips lightly skimming his jaw. His eyes are hooded as we stare at each other, both of us breathing like we’ve just been running a marathon.

“I wouldn’t bother Denny, he always wins staring competitions,’’ Max hoots from the table making me jump. He obviously didn’t catch the tension burning between us, or if he did, he interrupted to piss his brother off for the second time today.

I quickly rush over to the table, pissed when I have to squeeze in behind one of the chairs because of the man on it wouldn’t push his seat forward for me. My stomach nearly touches him when Mason walks up beside me and pushes the man’s Copyright 2016 - 2024