Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,21

night. Not having had chance to unpack and too tired again to do it now, I head to the bathroom to wash up.

When I get into the bedroom I grab my pyjamas and walk over to the curtains in just my towel. I’m about to shut them for privacy when a dark figure across the street startles me, making me jump. Nearly losing my towel I squeal, then straighten it and look back out of the window to where I saw the shadow, but there’s nothing there. Sighing, I rub my eyes; knowing the long day is catching up with me and making me see things that aren’t there.

With that I shut the curtains, feeling tingles shoot up my neck like someone’s watching me and carefully pull my pyjamas on, careful not to drop the towel until I’m completely covered.

Chapter Five

For the next two days I unpack, hang out with Harlow and sometimes Max at my brother’s place. The heat has been too hot for me to go anywhere and my feet have swelled to the point they have gone up three shoe sizes.

I called the doctor when I remembered an article I read on the dangers during pregnancy. Swollen feet were on that list, but they assured me to elevate my feet and all will be fine.

My Nan has called every day, three times a day and has questioned me over and over about Mason. I told her everything he told me the other day and she seems to think I should give him a chance. I asked if she was trying to get rid of me, but she laughed saying ‘never’ and admitted that she wanted to keep me as a kid. I wish she did. It would have been better than growing up in a cold, unloving home with parents who only cared about their reputation. The only reason my mother cared about what I did in and out of school was so she could either brag about what a good, clever girl I was and show me off to all her friends, or control me so I don’t embarrass her when I’m out. Any other time she couldn’t wait to get rid of me.

The door knocks snapping me out of my daydream. Today’s the day I find out the sex of the baby. Not just that, but according to the nurse I spoke to on the phone, I’ll have measurements taken to see how the baby is developing, and I’ll need some blood work taken. I’ll also get to hear the baby’s heart beat again. It was the first time I actually felt guilty for not going to the appointment. I never realised just how important the twenty week mark scan was. Now I’m twenty two weeks gone and only just attending the check-up.

“Hey,’’ I smile when I open the door to see Mason standing there, in a pair of cargo shorts, a white short sleeved t-shirt and a cap that he’s wearing backwards. He looks so freaking hot right now with his tanned skin, bulging muscles and sexy as sin grin.

“You ready? We’ve got about twenty minutes to get there.’’

“Yep, let me just go grab my bag,’’ I tell him and rush down to the room I’m staying in. Walking in the window is open, the cool air breezing through the room. I’m pretty sure I didn’t open that. Lexi came around the day after we all went out to the park to watch the live bands and told me the fan in the room doesn’t work when the window is open, so for it to work they needed to be shut. I’ve pretty much kept it shut since arriving here. Not just because of what she said, but because I have a phobia of moths. I hate them. They aren’t scared to land right on the tip of your nose in the middle of the night, fluttering their tiny little wings and making themselves known with the little buzzing sounds they make. Gah, I hate them. I shiver rushing over to the window and sliding it shut before pushing the latch over to lock it.

My eyes lift and I look over to where I saw the shadow two nights ago seeing nothing, but it still feels like someone has been watching me. Knowing I’m being paranoid I turn, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling inside my stomach that’s been there for a few days now.

“You okay?’’ Mason asks watching me with interest when Copyright 2016 - 2024