Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,12

eggs and another bunch of stuff whilst pregnant and you can’t drink coffee. I found that out myself. I’d hate to be the woman who craved caffeine when they were pregnant,’’ he chuckles making me smile. I love it when he chuckles, especially when he’s unsure if what he’s laughing at is funny or not. It comes out husky and deep and guaranteed it always makes my belly do summersaults.

“Yeah, raw fish is another too and other stuff. Kind of stupid,’’ I giggle nervously, not knowing what to say. “My Nan told me once her friend had a craving for sucking bath water out of a sponge. Do not ask how she started that craving. I asked myself what she was doing with the sponge in her mouth in the first place, but my Nan wouldn’t answer. I’m just glad I don’t have any,’’ I ramble feeling my face heat.

“A sponge? Really?’’ he asks disbelieving.

“She’s right. My mom told me she had a craving for my dad’s aftershave. She said when he wasn’t around for her to smell it, it would drive her crazy, but when he was around her and she could, she felt high as a kite,’’ Harlow butts in giving me a wink.

“Why didn’t she just buy his aftershave?’’ Malik asks taking a bite from a burger. Even though I’ve not long had some toast my mouth waters from the smell, so I pick up the bag Mason pointed to earlier and grab the burger.

“She said it was never the same. They tried it the once when he had to go to work and she ended up having a breakdown crying over the phone to my dad. Apparently it wasn’t just about the aftershave, but about his scent too. It’s kind of romantic when you think about it. I’d love it when they would talk about things like that,’’ she murmurs, her eyes distant and I know she’s thinking about them. She lost them a few months before she came to live with her Gram’s, so it’s all still so raw for her. Malik, bless his heart, grabs her waist and lifts her up into his lap. She tries to squirm away at first until she ends up giggling. I watch the two, envy of their close relationship.

Feeling eyes on me, I turn my head to Mason to find him watching me with an intense expression. I’m about to open my mouth when Malik interrupts. “We thought we’d go out for the day. We need to meet Maverick and Max at the club.’’

“The club?’’ I question shocked. It’s the one place Mason and Malik would never take me and Harlow. At first it didn’t bother me, but then I felt paranoid, like Mason was hiding something. “I thought we weren’t allowed in there?’’

“You’re eighteen Angel, you can go in there whenever you like... but you’re not.’’

“Says who? You just said I’m eighteen and can go when I like.’’ I send Mason a glare, taunting him to continue. How dare he tell me where I can and can’t go!

“It gets packed in there on nights and weekends, there is no way I’m going to risk you getting bumped into by someone in there.’’

I feel my face soften. He has a point. One knock could do the world of damage and my baby’s life is something I’d rather not take a gamble with.

“Okay, so what are we going to do?’’ I ask, ignoring Malik whispering what must be dirty words to Harlow, if her red face and giggles are anything to go by.

“It’s a surprise, but we should get going,’’ Mason says smiling at me.

I smile shyly back, loving this side of Mason, the side I had all the time before we slept together. Harlow’s phone ringing startles me and I look away from Mason.

“Hello...Hi Max. Yeah we’re on our way. We had to stop off to get food... I’ll buy you something when we get there... Okay, see you in a bit,’’ she says before ending the call. “Max is getting impatient, grab your stuff,’’ she says to me.

“I’ll just grab my phone and bag and I’ll be ready,’’ I tell her, then rush back into my bedroom. My bag is already on the bed where I left it last night before crashing and my phone is on the bedside table. Grabbing my suitcase, I open the compartment where I stuffed all my sandals and grab my coral ones with the coral flower on the top. They go Copyright 2016 - 2024