Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,11

mom dropped her off. So the investigation is now linked to the case,’’ she says, her eyes watering.

“They think it’s because of the case? How? Davis is in custody until the hearing, so I don’t understand.’’

“Me either, but what if he got someone else to do it, to hurt her like he was going to hurt me? Denny, I don’t think I could live with myself. I feel like this is all my fault,’’ she cries, and that’s when I realise why it’s eating up at her. Harlow has a heart of gold, and by God she’s the purist of them all. Only she could feel like this towards the person who had a hand in getting her nearly raped. Me... I’d most likely do a happy dance. Okay, I’m totally lying, but you get the gist.

“Harlow, this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with those two. If something bad has happened to Hannah then that isn’t on you, that’s on her getting mixed up with Davis in the first place. Both of them need to take responsibility for their own actions. They only have themselves to blame, Hun.’’

“I just feel so bad. Her mom came by to see us once the investigation went public. They wanted to keep it quiet so it didn’t scare whoever is involved with her disappearance off their tail. She’s so torn up. She said it was her and Hannah’s dad’s fault for the reason she was the way she was. Apparently they didn’t have a good marriage and Hannah got caught up in the middle of that. Even still, it doesn’t excuse what her daughter did, but seeing her like that really got to me. Then the fact I asked myself what would happen now she isn’t here to get up on that stand and give her statement makes me feel more quilt. Will Davis get to walk free?’’

Her tears are streaming down her face and I go to stand up to comfort her, but my big belly keeps me glued to the sofa. The cushions are that soft that as soon as I sat down I felt lost in the armchair. Turning a little to my side, I use the arm of the chair as leverage to help me up, but it’s no use, my belly gets in the way and I become sweaty and tired.

“Need some help?’’ Harlow giggles, wiping her eyes.

“I’m supposed to be the one helping you out here, not the other way around,’’ I groan holding my hand out to her.

“It’s the thought that counts,’’ she smiles, her smile not reaching her eyes.

Once I’m up I bring her into a hug, okay I press my belly into her. “Everything is going to be okay. You’ll see. She’ll turn up in no time and everything will be okay.’’

Pulling away she wipes at her eyes just as the front door knocks. I look over confused wondering who the hell it is. Did someone place an ad in the local paper about my arrival and where I’d be staying?

“That should be Malik and Mason with food,’’ she grins.

“Mason’s here? With Malik, and food?’’ I squeak, looking down at my wrinkled clothes.

“Yeah, it’s midday, I thought you’d be up already.’’

“Crap! I’m just going to have a quick shower and change clothes,’’ I rush out, walking at a fast pace out of the room. I’m scared to run in case I piss myself. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened to me.

Half an hour later I’m walking back into the front room wearing another sundress. This was the first and only maternity item I was willing to buy. The coral sundress has crossover cleavage with silver embellishment stylish shoulder straps and a high back. And although it has elastic around the bust and back, the dress is perfect for my ever-growing baby bump. It fits comfortably and if I could wear this all the time I would.

“Wow!’’ is what snaps my attention back to the present and my eyes collide with Mason’s. I suddenly feel self-conscious knowing what he’s seeing I twiddle with the end of the dress. My boobs are bigger and so is my stomach, and I’ve let my hair down to dry by itself. With the heat it shouldn’t take long.

“Hey,’’ I wave dumbly.

“We got you a burger and stuff. I didn’t know what you wanted so I got you a bit of everything. The woman at the counter said you’re not allowed to eat raw Copyright 2016 - 2024