Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,107

I reach out to move it across as she catches her breath. “And Max. Out of. All your brothers,’’ she pants out between breaths.

“I’m sorry, I’ll call Mav. I don’t know what to do,’’ I shout, not meaning to yell. “Shit. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout.’’

The door downstairs bangs open and a herd of footsteps stomp up the stairs. Thank God Max thought to call Maverick.

“ARRGGGGGGHHHHHH, MASON,’’ she screams. Her face turns bright red and angry looking and I stand up taking a step back. Shit, what did I do? “We need a doctor, a hospital.’’ She speaks so fast I can barely understand her. Max and my other brothers rush into the room and that’s when I realise we’re both naked. I quickly shove the blanket over Denny covering her up. When she goes to complain I grab her shoulders and lean in closer to her to whisper.

“You’re naked. Let me get you a t-shirt.’’

She nods her head panting and I hold my hands up to my brothers to wait a minute and to turn around which they all comply. I rush over to the chest of drawers and grab a clean t-shirt of mine and then a pair of her knickers and joggers.

“We need to get you to the hospital,’’ I tell her softly, hoping the panic isn’t too evident in my voice. The baby isn’t due for over seven weeks. It’s too soon. Something’s wrong and I know I need to be strong for her, which is what I will do. For her I’d do just about anything.

“Denny, you need to breathe,’’ Max says once I’ve dressed her and she’s sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I am breathing Max,’’ she pants out through gritted teeth.

“You’re doing it wrong. It’s, hee hee hoo.’’ He shows her how to take in quick breaths and if I wasn’t shitting myself over her being in so much pain, I’d laugh at how ridiculous he looks right now.

“Fuck-sake Max, shut the fuck up and will someone get my stuff together. NOW!’’

Shit! I rush out of the room to the nursery, grabbing Hope’s hospital bag I packed at the beginning of the week. I made a list for other items, but I know I’ve got the essentials we’ll need in here. Once I reach it, I run back into the bedroom, shocked when I find Myles rubbing Denny’s lower back, Maverick holding her up so she’s standing and Max...I’m not sure what Max is doing, but it sure doesn’t look like it’s relaxing Denny if her pissed off, angry glare has anything to say about it.

“I need fucking drugs Max. Drugs that will knock me out, that will stop this from hurting so...argghhhhhh....goddamn much,’’ Denny screams again.

“Not to point out the obvious love, but in your condition turning to drugs isn’t wise, Denny. It’s not going to change anything, or make life better. You’ll get through this.’’

“I swear to God Max, if you don’t get out of my fucking face....Arrrgggghhh MASON!’’

“Fine. I’m only trying to help,’’ Max snaps stepping back. “Just didn’t want the mother of my niece being a druggy,’’ he mutters.

“Druggy? Someone get him out of my face right now.’’

I ignore them and grab her hospital bag, hoping like hell I’ve got enough for her as I shove some clothes in for her. We hadn’t gotten around to ticking off the checklist, but with her screams of pain getting louder and seeming stronger, I need to hurry up. Her notes she takes to her midwife sit on the side in a folder, so I quickly grab a hold of those, shoving them into the bag before moving over to Denny.

“I’m ready. Come on.’’ Taking her hand we walk slowly out of the room before she collapses in pain again, her screams echoing around the room.

“Denny...what can I do? I don’t know what to do,’’ I tell her hysterically, my chest aching at seeing her in pain and not being able to do anything about it.

Making my mind up, I chuck the bags at Max and Myles then bend down and scoop up Denny in my arms. She cries out, but still manages to wrap her cold hands around my neck, clinging onto me tightly.

“It’s going to be okay baby,’’ I tell her into her hair. When we get to the front door, Maverick runs ahead to open the door, his phone to his ear talking to who I presume is her Nan or dad.

“Please no,’’ I beg closing Copyright 2016 - 2024