Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,106

in anticipation.

“Harder, please harder,’’ she begs, her teeth sinking into my shoulder and my control all but snaps and I slam myself harder inside her, her muscles contracting around my dick.

Her hands reach down my body, the feel of her soft touch against my burning skin has a shiver running up my back. My dick throbs when she places her hands on my hips and pulls me into her, the thrust causing us to both cry out. My movements quicken and I can feel her driving closer and closer towards her climax, her walls tightening around me.

“Oh my...I’m going to...’’ she doesn’t get to finish her words, her back arches, her eyes close tightly and she cries out her orgasm. My orgasm hits me just as quickly and my body collapses against her, but I still manage to find the energy to keep any pressure from off her.

We’re both breathing heavily by the time we ride through the waves of our orgasms.

“Was I too rough?’’ I breathe out moving to the side and bringing her naked body with me.

“What? God no! That was...that was amazing,’’ she grins lazily, her eyes half open with a content, pleased, satisfied look on her face.

“Good,’’ I smile and move up so I can grab the towel to clean up, first myself then Denny. Once I’m finished I chuck the towel behind me onto the floor and grab Denny’s hips and bring her back to my front.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?’’ I ask gently, still unsure on what happened down in that fucking basement. Just remembering her being taken is making every muscle in my body tense and for the anger to simmer back to the surface.

“Not a lot to say. My mom set me up. When I was out I bumped into her and it didn’t go so well. She wanted me dead Mason. My own mother wanted me dead,’’ she whispers, and from the tone in her voice it sounds like she’s still struggling to come to terms with what happened with her mom.

“She doesn’t deserve the title of mom, Denny. What she did is unthinkable. I know what it’s like having a shitty parent, but I had my brothers and Granddad, and hopefully in time that will be enough for you to fill the void that she’s left,’’ I tell her gently, hoping I’m not being too presumptuous.

“You’re right, I know you are. I guess it will just take time. When I think of Hope, the thought of ever doing what my mother did to me is just unthinkable. I’d rather kill myself before I hurt her.’’

“You’re too good of a person to even contemplate doing that, baby.’’

“Hhum,’’ she mumbles sounding tired and drowsy.

“Sleep. We’ll figure the rest out tomorrow.’’

I feel her weak nod and smile to myself. This time yesterday I was smashing up the kitchen freaking out over whether we’d find her or not.

Speaking of kitchen I was glad to hear everyone stepped in to help get it cleaned up. The only thing I’ll need to do is replace a few cabinets and the kitchen door I punched a hole through. I’m just praying Denny will understand why they are wrecked.

Closing my eyes I let the exhaustion of the past twenty four hours consume me and drift off to sleep with the love of my life snuggled safely against my chest.

Later I’m woken up by a blood curling scream that startles me from my sleep and I fly up in a sitting position when I see Denny hunched over screaming in pain.

Fuck no!

“Denny? Denny? What’s wrong? Is it the baby? Did you have a nightmare?’’ I panic; my hand flying to her shoulder. Fuck, I’m shit in a crisis. My palms are already sweating and my leg is twitching from nerves.

“The bab- ARGGHHHHHHHHHH,’’ she screams and I jump from the bed to turn the main light on.

“What’s happening? What shall I do? Fuck! It’s not time,’’ I shout, grabbing my phone that’s on charge by the bed side table.

“H-hello,’’ a male voice croaks.

“Max, get your ass over here. Something is wrong with the baby,’’ I yell through the phone, really wanting to do something as I sit in front of Denny, her breathing becoming laboured and heavy.

“What? Shit. Be there in two,’’ he shouts disconnecting.

“You. Called. Your. Brother,’’ Denny breathes shooting me a glare as she holds her stomach. Sweat is pouring across her forehead and down her neck. Her hair is sticking to her face and Copyright 2016 - 2024