Magic Strikes - By Ilona Andrews Page 0,47

light, when I heard a key turn in my lock. My door swung open.

The only person with a key to my place was the super, and he would never enter unannounced.

I forced myself to lie still, my limbs loose. Some picture I presented: my butt in white cotton panties sticking out, my head under the pillow. Not the most advantageous fighting stance.

I lay, hyperaware, all my senses straining. Very soft footsteps approached the bed. Closer.



I whipped about, launching a sweeping kick. It caught the intruder in the midsection, eliciting a distinctly male groan, and he went down. I leapt off the bed and lunged for Slayer, but it wasn't where I'd left it. I dropped and saw it far under the bed. He'd kicked it on his way down.

A steel hand grasped my ankle. I flipped on my back and hammered a kick into his shoulder that had the entire force of my body behind it.

He groaned and I saw his face. "Curran!" I would've preferred a homicidal lunatic. Oh, wait . . .

That second of amazement cost me: he lunged at me, knocked my arm aside as if it were nothing, and pinned me to the floor. His legs clamped mine. He held my right arm above my head, my left between our bodies, and leaned, his face only inches from mine, my side touching his chest.

He wrapped me up like a package. I couldn't move an inch.

"I thought you were some sort of maniac!" I growled.

"I am."

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for Jim in your bed."

"He isn't here."

"I see that."

Little golden sparks danced in his dark gray eyes. He looked terribly pleased with himself and slightly hungry.

I squirmed away from him, but he just clamped me tighter. It felt like fighting in a straitjacket made of heated steel. There was absolutely no give in him. Pinned by his Beastly Majesty. I'd never live that down.

"You can let me go now," I told him.

"Do I have your permission?"

"Yes, you do. I promise not to hurt you."

A hint of a grin curved his mouth. He had no plans to let me go. And I couldn't outmuscle him. Crap.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

He bobbed his head up and down, the smile like a smudge of white paint across his face.

"How did you get in?"

"I have my ways."

The light dawned on me. He was the one who had replaced my door two months ago, because I was rather busy trying not to die. "You kept a key to my apartment. You bastard. How often do you come here?"

"Once in a while."


"To check on you. Saves me the trouble of sitting by the phone waiting for your 'come and rescue me' calls."

"You don't have to be troubled: there won't be any more calls. I'd rather die than call you."

"That's what worries me," he said.

His legs pinned mine, his thighs hard like they were carved of wood. His chest pressed against my breasts. If I could turn a little to the right, my butt would slide against his groin. A little to the left and my face would end up in his neck.

"I'm not one of your subjects," I told him. He was entirely too close, too warm, and too real.

"I don't follow your orders and I sure as hell don't need your protection."

"Mmhm," he said. He apparently found my face incredibly fascinating, because he kept looking at me, at my eyes, at my mouth . . .

"Do you ever come here when I'm here?"


"I would've heard you."

"You put in twelve hours and get wiped out, and I'm very quiet." His hold eased a little. I lay limp. That was it - lure him into a false sense of security. We weren't that far from the night table, and under the table on the bottom shelf was a dagger.

"The Beast Lord - my own personal stalker. Gee, every girl's dream."

"I don't engage in stalking."

I stared at him in disbelief. "And what do you call this?" "This I call controlling my opponent so she doesn't injure me."

"What else do you do while you're here? Read my mail? Look through my underwear?"

"No. I don't go through your things. I just come once in a while to make sure you're in one piece. I like knowing you're safe, asleep in your bed. I haven't stolen anything . . ."

I ripped my left arm out of his hand and slammed my elbow into his solar plexus. He exhaled in a gasp. I lunged for the dagger and sat Copyright 2016 - 2024