Magic Strikes - By Ilona Andrews Page 0,46

the Reapers will be grounded by the Red Guards for one hour to allow us a head start. The House doesn't wish any friction between fighters outside the ring. That will give the two of you ample time to arrive in Unicorn and make the

necessary preparations. I'll stay the night in the Arena, in my private rooms, to recuperate."

Or he would stay the night in the morgue. The thought hung in the air like a funeral shroud.

None of us mentioned it.
Chapter 15
AFTER JIM AND I WERE FINISHED WITH SAIMAN, Jim dropped me and the Pack horse at my apartment. I wanted to go back with him. I wanted to be there in case Derek woke up. I had this irrational idea that my staying close would somehow fix him.

But it wouldn't. If I had gone back with Jim, I wouldn't have slept, and I needed sleep and food badly. The Reapers wouldn't take kindly to having one of their own knocked out of their lineup. If Saiman managed to deliver on his promise, they might come after us. I needed to be rested and sharp. So I took a shower, scrubbing every square inch of my skin and hair with scented soap to kill the smell of Jim's posse, ate cold beef with black bread, tomato, and a little cheese, took a much-prized and expensive aspirin, and passed out.

I awoke at eight because my phone rang. I raised my head off my pillow and stared at it. It rang and rang, filling my head with noise. The answering machine came on and a familiar voice made me sit straight up.


Curran. Oy. Two hours of sleep wasn't sufficient to deal with him.

"Call me as soon as you can."

I picked up the phone. "I'm here."

"You're screening your calls?"

"Why not? It saves me from conversation with idiots."

"Is that an insult?" His voice dropped into a deep growl.

"You're not an idiot," I told him. "You're just a deadly psychopath with a god complex. What is it you want?"

"Have you seen Jim?"


"He didn't call you?"

"Nope." But his goons beat the daylights out of me.

"What about Derek?"

"Nope. Haven't seen him either."

There was a momentary pause. "You're lying."

Shit. "Now what would make you think that?"

"You didn't ask me if Derek is okay, Kate."

That will teach me to have delicate diplomatic conversations first thing in the morning.

"That's because I don't care. You told me you'd bring me in on the investigation. You promised me full cooperation and interviews. That was Friday morning. It's Sunday now.

Forty-eight hours have passed. You blew me off, Curran. Just like always. Because you expect me to trip over my feet in a rush to help you, but the precious Pack can't cooperate with outsiders. What you hear in my voice is apathy." And bullshit. Lots and lots of bullshit.

"You're rambling."

Curran two, Kate zero.

"This is very important, Kate. Jim defied me. He's refused a direct order to pull his crew in. I can't let it stand. He has seventy-two hours to decide what to do. Then I'll have to find him."

"You've known Jim for years. Doesn't he get the benefit of the doubt?"

"Not for this." The hard shell on Curran's voice broke. The alpha vanished for a moment, leaving a man in his place. "I don't want to have to find him."

I swallowed. "I'd imagine he doesn't want you to find him either."

"Then help me. Tell me what you know."


He sighed. "For one moment, forget it's me. Put aside your ego. I'm the Beast Lord. You're a member of the Order. You're subordinate to me in this investigation. I order you to disclose the information. Do your job."

It stung. I was doing my job to the best of my ability. "You're mistaken. I'm not subordinate to you. You and I are on equal footing."

"I see. Is Jim with you now?"

"Yes, he is. We're having rough sex. You're interrupting."

I hung up.

The phone rang again.

Answering machine. ". . . not helping, Ka . . ."

I picked up the phone, held it for a second, and hung up. I didn't want to lie to Curran. Even if it was for his own sake. Making shit up and trading witty barbs just wasn't in me at the moment.

My bedroom was full of comfortable gloom, except for a narrow slash of light, which snuck through the gap between my curtains to fall right on my face. I stuck a pillow on my head.

I was drifting off into dreamland, the pillow on my head blocking the annoyingly persistent ray of Copyright 2016 - 2024