Mafia's Final Play (Mafia's Obsession #3) - Summer Cooper Page 0,6

be their first fight.

“Do you want me naked when you get home or dressed? Because I really, really need you.” Her voice, always sultry with that southern twang was even more alluring over the phone. His body responded instantly, and he pressed down hard on the gas pedal without meaning to. He eased the pressure of his foot as he regained control and chuckled.

“Why don’t you meet me at the door completely naked, Marie, and I’ll fuck you right there against the door?”

“Mm, that sounds lovely.” She purred down the line and gave a soft laugh of her own. “Or you could meet me in the living room so you can fuck me against the glass again.”

“Oh, you know I love that.” And he did, he loved fucking her there where he made his claim on her for all to see, although he doubted anyone could see them that high up.

“I do, indeed. So that’s a yes on nudity, gotcha.” She sighed before she continued. “Where are you going now?”

“I’m going to meet Anton for a late breakfast, then back to the construction office.” He didn’t like to lie to her, but she didn’t need to know he was going to make sure the shipment they were sending down to New Orleans was in order. Or what was in that shipment.

“That sounds nice. It’s fresh air anyway.” She sounded wistful, and he knew she wanted to plead with him to let her go out, but she wouldn’t. She had too much pride for that.

“It is. Look, I’ll bring something home for dinner, so don’t worry about that. You just be nice and ready for me when I get there, alright? I’ll send you a text when I’m in the parking garage.”

“Sounds good. Have a good day.” She forced a cheerful note into her voice, and it tore at his heart. She did need to get out at some point.

But not right now.


Two weeks later, Matteo came home to find Marie still in the bathrobe she’d worn that morning when she’d seen him off to work. That concerned him, was she getting depressed? Her bright smile chased that thought away and he went to sit on the couch with her.

She leaned over to kiss him and say hello. “How are you, darling?”

“I’m good now that I’m home.” He stroked her cheek before she pulled away to look at the screen of her laptop.

“I’ve bought a few more books and today I watched an entire series about these women that go crazy and get involved in some kind of money laundering scheme with this gangster guy. It was funny.” She pushed clean, shiny hair behind her shoulder and sat back, her feet tucked under her. “I can order anything I want online, it would seem. All I have to do is wait for it to arrive and the guards bring it to me. After they’ve inspected it, of course.”

“Of course.” Her smile was still in place but there was a brittleness to it that bothered him.

“It’s perfect really, I can even order groceries online. I never have to leave this perfect, safe place.” Her eyes turned to his then, their deep brown so unlike anything he’d ever seen before. It made him ache now, to see that hint of pain in those eyes. The perfect bird, in the perfect cage.

That was the accusation in her eyes, at least.

“I’m glad you’re finding ways to stay busy.”

“I’ve got the treadmill over there for when I need to walk,” she waved at the treadmill in the corner of the living room, “I have the phone if I want to talk to someone. And books and movies at my fingertips. Oh, and the doctor has agreed to make house visits, as has the counselor.”

“Good.” He nodded but he wasn’t sure if he wanted the counselor coming here. The doctor might be needed at some point, but the counselor? It might take some explaining to stop any questions they had about why Marie wasn’t allowed to leave the place.

“Trina came over for lunch, and she’s coming back tomorrow.” Marie slid down on the couch, her eyes on the darkness outside the glass wall. “I wish one of the windows would open.”

“What good would climate control be then?” he responded, guilt niggling at him. He knew what she meant, even if she didn’t say it. She wanted fresh air.

“You’re right. Shall we have dinner?” She got up from the couch and walked down to the kitchen.

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