Mafia's Final Play (Mafia's Obsession #3) - Summer Cooper Page 0,7

she’d been on the treadmill at all today, or if she’d put on clothes when Trina came over or if she’d stayed in her robe. He wanted to ask, but he didn’t want to make her feel self-conscious. He wanted to know if she was showing signs of depression, though. He decided to text Trina.

Trina texted back promptly and told him to fuck off and ask Marie herself. Damn.

“What are we having?”

“Well, since I have so much time on my hands, I made a beef roast, homemade macaroni and cheese, au gratin potatoes, and steamed some vegetables.” She threw the response over her shoulder as she took the roast out of the oven where it had been resting and then pulled plates down from the cabinet. “Do you want horseradish with the roast?”

“I think so, yes.” He got it from the fridge and took that and a bottle of wine to the table. She’d already put two glasses and the tableware down.

“Alright, let’s eat.” She smiled as she set a perfectly portioned plate down in front of him and one at the place where she sat. “How was your day?”

He gave her the usual answer, that it was fine and there’d been no problems. He left out the part about discovering the foreman of his construction crew had been stealing from him, and the fact that Anton had burned the guy’s house down for it. It was better than killing him and the man got the message and left town with his girlfriend. A very good idea.

“How’s your roast?” she asked after a while.

It was the most boring conversation they’d ever had and he knew it was his own fault. He’d done this to her, made her his prisoner, because of his own fears. He just didn’t know what to do about it. Instead, he decided to distract her the best way he knew how.

“It’s not as good as licking the taste of you from your skin, Marie. But it’s close.” He grinned over at her and she gave him a saucy wink.

“You’d better save that for after dessert. I made cherry cheesecake.” She took a bite of macaroni and cheese into her mouth while she watched his eyes go wide in excitement.

“Now you know that’s my favorite.” He saw the way her nostrils flared and knew where this was headed.

“I do. But is it as good as my skin?” Her lips twitched in a way he couldn’t take his eyes off of, even though her eyes beckoned.

“I think we should find out how good it is on your skin.”

That was all he had to say as they both got up, took their plates into the kitchen, and brought back the cheesecake in a glass dish. Marie cut a portion of it for him, but rather than eat it with his spoon, he directed her to sit in front of him on the table.

Her robe gaped open to reveal she only had on a pair of pink cotton panties. He liked those he decided as he spread some of the dessert down her smooth thighs. Slowly, with great care, he licked up each morsel of the cherries, sauce, and cheesecake on her thighs. By the time he cleaned off the other leg, she could barely breathe, and her eyes were a warm shade of brown that he only saw when she was aroused.

“Let’s get these off, baby.” He pulled the panties down and threw them behind his chair once they were free of her legs. “Now, to taste the real delicacy in this house.”

He set her feet to rest on each side of the armrests and leaned forward to inhale her clean scent. Marie leaned back on the table, propped up on her elbows as he stroked her with the very tips of his fingers. Not an invasive touch, for now, he was only exploring her, letting her build to something more.

“You are a beautiful woman, Marie, but to me, you’re everything I could have ever wanted.” He spoke the words so softly he doubted she even heard him. He worked his hands under her to tilt her hips up when she didn’t say anything in response and ran his tongue deep into her folds. That got a very quick response.

A glass crashed to the floor as she moaned loudly somewhere above him. She must have reached out to hold onto the edge of the table and knocked the glass off. Good, she was already halfway to mindlessness then.

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