Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,94

he kept his stupid promise. His name spills from my lips over and over again, and it’s filled with the torture and pain that’s consuming me. We are still moving, and it’s Shay’s dad who takes out a gun.

Noel and I race on the horses, and we are neck-and-neck. His laughter tickles my ear as he takes the lead, and I know I can’t let him win. Just like right now. I know I can’t let him die.

Everything in me snaps at once. I’m clawing and screaming at Shay, but he keeps carrying me from the room. “Please, no. I’m begging you. Don’t leave him. I can’t leave him!”

Shay tightens his hold on me as I fight like it’s my own life on the line. I need him to understand what Noel is to me. He’s the sleeping giant under my bed. He’s the blanket that cushions me when I fall. He’s all the goodness I’ve ever known. “He’s my Frankie!” I scream at the top of my lungs, and Shay’s steps falter. I’m gasping with adrenaline, fear, and hope. “He’s my Frankie!” I shout again, and I look up to find Shay’s dad staring at me.

“He’s my Frankie. I can’t let him die.” Tears spill, and I’m pushing against Shay’s chest like I can carve each pain-filled word into his chest. “I love you, but if you make me leave this room, I will never forgive you. Save him.” I feel twisted too tightly, like at any second, I’m going to break.

The moment Shay puts me down, I’m ready to run back to Noel. But Shay grips me by the shoulders. “You stay here.” He shakes me. “Don’t you dare move.”

I’m swallowing tears and air as Shay turns to his dad.

“Wait.” Shay holds up his hands, and I’m nodding like if I stop, this situation will reverse. Each nod is like a push behind Shay towards my brother.

“Shay.” His dad looks past him at me like I’m something vile. I don’t care how he sees me. I just want my brother to live.



She loves me. Her words are still reeling through my system, and I’m staring at Noel. I want to rip his fucking heart out.

‘He’s my Frankie.’ Her screams tore through my anger and pierced through the veil of blood lust.

“Shay.” My Da warns me again, but I keep a hand raised.

I take a quick peek back at Emma. She’s stiff, her eyes wide, she doesn’t blink, and I don’t think she’s even breathing as she waits for her brother’s fate.

“He lives,” I say while looking at her. A sob pours from her lips, and Emma sinks to the floor, surrounded in white material from her wedding gown. She sobs into her hands with relief.

“You think you have the power to make such a call?” It’s Liam who asks. He doesn’t sound pissed off. Frankly, he sounds entertained by my confidence that they will do as I say.

“Yes, I do.” I’m still looking at Emma. I want to walk to her and scoop my broken bride off the floor, but securing Noel’s safety has me walking to my Da, Liam, Jack, and Noel.

“He shot me in the heart.” I remove the flask from my pocket, the bullet embedded in the steel. My gut tightens at how close I had come to dying. What would have happened to Emma? My ma and da would have snapped. The loss of two sons would be too much. I push the dark thoughts aside. “The two other men with him are responsible for everyone else. Noel only shot me, and I’m willing to forgive him since I’m still standing.” I take a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket and light one up.

“You think I will let this stand?” It’s my da who pipes up.

I take a long drag. “You will respect my wishes as a King of the North and South.” I stand straight and come face to face with my da. I’m asking for the respect that he should give me. I’m a King and his son.

He isn’t happy, but he says no more.

“You have every right, since he only shot at you,” Liam speaks up, and before I look away from my da, I see the warning in his eyes. The warning to be very careful of Liam.

Jack hasn’t said a word, and he stands at his da’s right shoulder, looking out of place. He has more of his ma in him than Liam, which he should be Copyright 2016 - 2024