Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,93


Tears spill from my eyes and enter my mouth. “I asked Noel to make me a promise, that he would come and take me away, that I wouldn’t have to marry you. I made him swear on our mom's grave.”

More pain flashes behind Shay’s eyes. “How did you contact him?”

“I didn’t. This was before I was taken away from my home.”

Shay lowers the gun slightly, but not enough to make me comfortable.

Footsteps pound down the hall towards us. “Shay, you can’t let anyone hurt Noel.” My vision blurs, and he takes another step towards me. “He fucking shot me in the heart!”

Shay steps towards Noel. “Five people are dead, you cunt!”

“Please, Shay!”

Liam, Shay’s father, and Jack stepped into the room. All enemies to Noel now. I can’t breathe. Noel pales; he knows his actions are going to cost him his life. I just can’t watch my brother die.

“That was quite the spectacle.” Liam leads the pack of wolves.

My heart is out of control in my chest. I turn back to Shay, who’s watching me. “Please!”

“My sister shouldn’t have been forced into this marriage.”

“There was no force. Your father signed the contracts.” Liam steps up to Noel and kicks his gun away. A gun I keep my eye on. I sense someone watching me and glance up to find Shay’s dad glaring at me.

Shay’s movement catches my eye as he puts the flask away.

“Your ma was convinced you got shot.”

Shay shakes his head. “Nah. I was quicker than the bullet.” He sounds so self-assured, and my heart cracks.

Jack is the only person in the room who looks uncomfortable with this situation.

“You gave me your word that she would be returned once I gave up my seat.” Noel continues, and he doesn’t exude the fear that everyone else seems to have for Liam. I’m not sure if this makes my brother extremely brave or stupid.

“I did pass on the word.”

Noel doesn’t move, but he looks away from Liam. “Your word has no value. Passing on the word and keeping your word isn’t the same thing.”

“I’m the one who told him to stop the wedding. I made him promise me that he would.” I speak up, and Noel narrows his eyes at me.

“Be quiet, Emma!” His bark surprises me.

Liam turns, and I’m not sure what to do when he pins me with his soulless eyes. “So you reneged on a contract you signed, too? His punishment could be yours.” Liam’s words freeze the blood in my veins.

“She will be kept out of this.” Shay moves and steps in between me and Liam so Liam can’t see me anymore. “She won’t be touched.” His fierce words make my knees wobble. I was faced with so much, but right now, all I can think about is that he still cares. He doesn’t want me dead. A sob catches in my throat.

“My sister is to be allowed to walk away from this.” Noel continues with his demands. Once again, I’m floored at his demands. He knows who these people are.

Shay’s dad appears; he walks past Shay and me. “You’re as brazen as your father.”

I’m ready to move, gathering up my wedding dress off the floor, so it doesn’t slow me down. Shay’s fingers clasp around my wrist, and my gaze snaps up to his. He shakes his head. I don’t move but look back at Noel and Shay’s dad.

Noel grins, and I want to kick him. “What’s a man got to do when he’s faced with death?”

Another sob lodges itself in my throat.

“He should beg.” Shay’s dad steps up to Noel, and Liam joins him. I try to move, and Shay’s grip tightens on my arm.

“I’ll beg.” Noel looks from one man to the other. “But my sister is let go right now.”

“Noel, I’m not leaving you.” I yank on Shay’s hand, but his steel grip doesn’t falter.

“I’ll escort her out.” Shay starts to pull me away, and I know if I leave this room, I’ll never see Noel again. I’ll never see that cheeky smile or hear his playful insults. I’ll never feel the safety that he offered me my whole life.


I pull against Shay, and he drags me to his chest. “Stop it.”

“I won’t leave him.” My vision wavers as I plead with Shay. He picks me up and ignores my words. “Shay, please!” Hysteria claws at me as I look over Shay’s shoulders. Noel is still standing, and he smiles at me like he knows he’s going to die, but it’s okay because Copyright 2016 - 2024