Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,7

nickname tugs at my heart, and I look up at my brother. I can’t stop the burn along my nose. “What if…” My cheeks flame, and I can’t hold Noel’s eyes. I dip my head and look back out at Lady.

There is an awkward lull in the air. “Dad spoke to Liam. You don’t have to do anything until after the wedding.”

Noel isn’t looking at me. When I glance up at him, his jaw is tinged slightly pink.

I can’t stop the smile. “You mean sexually?”

“Yeah.” Noel’s gaze lands on me briefly, and I see the fear in my big brother’s eyes. Fear that he might have to discuss something like sex with his sister. I laugh. I have no experience, but the idea that Noel fears talking about sex with me makes me laugh.

Maybe it’s the pent-up fear of leaving behind everything I know. Maybe it’s the relief of knowing the savage can’t touch me. It won’t stop me from fighting him every step of the way. Everything he is is wrong. It won’t matter how nice he is to me, even if he tries to woo me. Nothing will make me bend.

Noel snorts before he laughs, too.

My laughter grows before it turns to tears.

“It’s okay.” Noel stops immediately and drags me into his chest. “I swear to you; you won’t have to marry him. No matter what it takes, Ems, I’ll get you away from him.”

Salty liquid fills my mouth. “You promise me.” I cling to Noel. His heart thumps wildly in his chest. “Swear, Noel. Swear on Mom’s grave, no crossed fingers or toes.” His heart thrashes against my ear, and fear has me tightening my hold on my brother.

“I swear, Ems. I swear on Mom’s grave. No fingers or toes.”

My tears dry up. That’s it. He’s not lying. He will do it. I hug my brother a bit tighter and step out of his embrace. I have to crane my neck back to look up at him.

“Now I need you to listen to me.” Noel is no longer looking wild and lost. Now he’s my brother, ready to bestow knowledge onto me. I’m alert and ready to hear his words.

“You keep quiet, but listen to any conversations you can. Don’t let him know you're listening. Pretend to be invisible.”

I raise both brows. “You want me to be a spy.”

My brother’s lip tugs up slightly. “Jesus, Ems, I just want you to stay safe and don’t get any wild ideas. I’ll get you out, but while you’re there, keep the head down.”

Noel taps the crown of my head.

I’ll trip over my own feet. My being a spy isn’t possible.

“If he asks you questions, act dumb.” Noel’s words are delivered quickly but pique my interests.

“What kind of questions?”

“Any.” Noel’s voice is stern.

I nod. “Okay. I can do it.”

He’s ready to reach for me again when a figure on the back porch catches my attention. It’s Breda.

“I better go in and help her pack before she breaks a hip.”

My brother snorts again. “Try to keep that sense of humor.”

The smile I give him doesn’t feel real.


It’s a moment. It’s a moment that I have replayed over and over again in my head. It’s a moment that should have been perfect. It ends up just being a moment.

Liam O’Reagan opens the back door of the Range Rover. His formidable stance has me raising my head. My dad, James, and Mark stay at the door, waving me off like I’m going to some fancy college, with soaring high windows arched with gargoyles and secrets.

“Emma.” Liam greets me.

“Mr. O’Reagan.” I had thought this day would be a pleasure. I had thought wrong. I’m still in awe that I’m in his presence. I’ve heard stories about him from Noel, from my dad, stories that made me think he couldn’t be real. A line from the movie ‘Braveheart’ jumps into my mind. ‘I thought you would be taller?’ Someone had said to William Wallace. It was a funny moment because of the tension before the war. That’s what this feels like with Liam; only he is the man I’d imagined: he’s as tall as I pictured; as Intimidating as I had imagined.

I pause at the open door and take one final glance back at the house. I skip the three figures in the doorway and scan the windows. Something shaky rocks my body as I meet Breda’s gaze. Her thin lips have nearly disappeared, she looks like the ghost of a very unsatisfied nun, but Copyright 2016 - 2024