Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,6

thought. “This was your idea of joining together. You always wanted more. How is being King of the North not enough?”

My da is right. I am always chasing something. Maybe I am trying to fill in the hole that Frankie left behind.

“You’re afraid of change.”

“You’re a pup.” My da leaves the end of the table the same time my ma steps into the room. I don’t need her to think she has to be a referee between her son and husband.

“I’m staying at the Banistoir. I just came to pack a few things.”

I begin to leave the room. “Don’t go, son.” My da’s plea would normally eat away at me. He’s a King, a ruthless ruler, but he was also a ruthless teacher and father.

My ma sobs, and I don’t brush past her but stop and take her face in my hands like she had done to me outside.

“There’s no need for tears. This girl, Emma, is a beauty. She’s excited to get married to me, and I know you’re going to love her.” I lie and smile. “You never know; she could even like me.”

Laughter bubbles up my ma’s throat. “She’ll love you.” She touches my hand that still covers her face. “I might even get grandkids.”

“Don’t push it, Ma.” I release her face, and I’m glad that she’s still smiling as I place a kiss on her cheek.

“Promise me you’ll be careful.”

“Yeah.” I lie again and head upstairs to get a few belongings. Tomorrow I would leave and return to the East. I had no idea what exactly I was walking into. The wedding to the girl would be the easy part. She was willing and the least of my worries. Keeping an eye on Liam was an entirely different thing.



Lady dips her head the moment she sees me, and all my worries leave me, like a second unwanted skin falling off me with each step. The moment I reach her, I touch her head and rub it.

“How is my Lady today?” She neighs as I rub under her chin. Her mouth dips lower, and she nudges my closed palm. I open my hand and laugh as she devours the red apple. I rub behind her ear as she continues to eat and look around at the white fencing that surrounds her arena. Dad always said I could take Lady with me. Now I think she might be safer here. I have no idea what Northerners ate. I wouldn’t put it past them to eat a horse. My hand tightens on Lady, and she neighs again while nudging my hand.

“That’s all I’ve got,” I say and open my empty hand. Her long pink wet tongue runs the length of my small hand.

“Still feeding her apples?” Noel’s voice rings behind me. My trainer had told me to stop feeding her so many apples, but it’s the only treat she gets.

I don’t answer Noel but push Lady away, and she knows to leave. “I can’t take her with me.” My throat burns. “He might eat her for all I know.”

Noel’s chuckle isn’t welcomed, and I swing around and face him.

His laughter stops, and he stuffs his fists into his jeans pockets. “He won’t eat the horse.”

“Can you guarantee that?” I’m not going to take his word for it.

Noel doesn’t answer, and that’s answer enough for me.

“A Northerner?” I say it again. I must have said it a thousand times in my head. “How could Dad?”

“He’s an O’Reagan.” Noel bites out the words.

“What do you get in return for this marriage?”

Noel pleads with me before releasing a heavy sigh. “A seat as one of the four Kings of the East.”

“Then it’s worth it.” The air whooshes out of my lungs as I fight back the tears. I look back at the fence line and watch Lady gallop in the distance. “I’ll pack my bags. I’ll go to him.”

Something in me cracks, and I rub my chest as Noel steps up to me.

“Now, come on, drama queen. You know I won’t let that happen.”

I smile but don’t look at him. “I don’t think I’m being dramatic. He might hurt me.”

“Didn’t I teach you how to fight back?”

I lean against the fence. “Yeah.” He did. He taught me how to take a man down without using strength. It was to use my wit and attack when I was calm; Never when my temper flared. Noel said my burning cheeks and angry eyes gave away my next move.

“You won’t be marrying him, Ems.”

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