The Lure of the Devil (The Demons' Muse #4) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,71

for doing it very, very slowly."

That was all Aaron needed to hear. "Delta Phi was converting to a new Christian fraternity. They said that a lot of the political and larger corporate environments were now looking for applicants who had strong ties to the community. Being actively involved in the church is a quick and easy way to give that impression. That's why I chose Delta Phi. They had a ministry program that I'd been invited to and everything. As part of our rush events, we had a scavenger hunt to find specific people and convert them. One of them was a redhead. I'd, um, just seen you in the bar the night before. Dating you was basically my in."

Luke sat up and leaned over his knees. "Tell me more about this ministry."

"It was a nondenominational Christian prayer service. Nothing exceptional in all honesty, except that being a member of the fraternity allowed us to lead services. That would be documented and recorded to the University, so provable on our resumes."

"No, you idiot," Luke snarled, "I want to know what the fuck you were preaching."

"How to get into heaven," Aaron whispered. "They had it working almost like a pyramid scheme. The more people you brought, the more rewards you got. Things like housing credits, as an example. And we had events almost every night. The whole thing was kind of like a cult, but I figured it was just skimming the system because most of us were so close to graduation."

I dropped down on the bed beside Luke. "A cult. They're making a fucking cult. What can they even do with that?"

It was Uriel who answered. "Everything," he said. "How do you think we get slaves?"



Kacira escorted Aaron out after that. Since there was nothing else he could really tell us, there was no reason to keep him around. I couldn't help but notice that when her hand found his arm, the contact was gentle. Not polite, and yet not cruel either. And as much as I was pissed off at the guy for shoving me around, no one deserved what the angels would do to him. He’d gotten very lucky to end up with Uriel.

But what Aaron had said only raised more questions. That Delta Phi was being controlled by angels was something we knew. That they had a bigger plan? That was unexpected. At least for me. With the benefit of hindsight, I knew it shouldn't be. Angels never did anything without a reason. Usually, one that would get them a lot of aether, which meant a lot of human slaves or lives.

"So a fraternity at my college is a recruiting ground for angelic slaves?" I asked looking between my father and Luke.

It was Uriel who answered. "We often use churches and other public venues to find people who are less likely to resist. If they come with us willingly, they do tend to train up easier."

"By train up," Luke said, "he means fight less. The sooner they give up - just like Aaron has - the faster we can use them."

"They," I corrected. "Angels are they. You, Luke, are a demon. If I can be one, then you certainly can too."

Luke gave me a lazy smile. "Fine, they. The point still stands. The angels do not want slaves who are hard to manage. They should be silent, follow orders, and give their lives when they're done. On Angelis, slaves are nothing more than resources. They are not friends or pets. We simply use their labor until they die and give us their aether."

"And the sooner they die," Uriel added, "the happier the choir of archangels is."

"So how do we stop it?" I asked. Because this was the real question, the one I was trying to solve right now. "I mean, if Delta Phi is collecting people to be slaves, then it's probably happening in other places. A lot of other places. With them talking about bringing a hundred thousand slaves, I can't even guess how many places."

"One." Uriel held up a finger to make the point. "That was what the seraphim were saying. Michael - if the plan even came from him - wants to do this fast. Sia, when you locked us out of Vesdar, everyone on this plane began to panic. That means our attention turned to Earth. So many people, such fast lives, and so much available aether. If we can't spread it around the three midworlds, then we'll have to take it from Copyright 2016 - 2024