The Lure of the Devil (The Demons' Muse #4) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,70

murderous. I had a feeling Uriel wouldn't be any better, but it seemed he had more control over his face.

"Sia," my father said, all but ignoring the human in the room, "how do you know this man again?"

"Oh, I dated him back when I was human."

"She left off all the good stuff,” Luke said. "This fool was dating her before we could make first contact. Technically second, since Nick had met her so long before. But, regardless, the human’s name is Aaron, and Aaron was dating Sia. He then cheated on her, pushed her hard enough to knock her to the ground, and then somehow ended up mind-fucked by Michael. I can only assume that's how he got here."

Uriel's wings did an interesting half-flap against his back, almost like he was resetting them. Or, more truthfully, like he wanted to flare them at the guy and was resisting the instinct. Still, his face was an angelic mask of calm and serenity. When that happened with Luke, it was incredibly dangerous.

"What is your side of the story, Aaron?" he asked, making it clear he'd taken note of the guy's name. "I want to hear it all, with as much detail as you can provide. Be aware that I may judge you for things you think are good and forgive you for things you think are bad. In this situation, the truth really is the safest way to go."

Since Uriel had turned to face Aaron, I was now behind him, and I couldn't help myself. I pointed at him, and not subtly. When Aaron’s eyes jumped to me, I mouthed, "That's my dad."

Until that moment, I had never seen a man so scared that I honestly thought he was going to piss himself. Aaron backed up until he hit the wall, and his head snapped from Kacira to Uriel to me and then to Luke. The fact that Luke was once again sprawled lazily across the bed probably wasn't helping.

"I met Sienna just before the semester of college started that year. This year? Whichever year it was. She was working as a bartender in a bar." His eyes jumped over to me again, hanging on my wings. "We began dating, but it wasn’t for very long. When rush started, I was invited to join Delta Phi. Getting acquainted with them, I spent more time at parties and doing things with the fraternity than I did with my girlfriend." He pushed out a shaky breath. "Sienna, I'm so sorry. I just thought that if I could get into the frat, then it would look good on my resume later. Delta Phi has a really good…" Then he shook his head. "Which doesn't matter now."

"And then?" Uriel demanded.

"There was a hazing incident, and she got upset about it." He was now looking only at my father. "But I promised to meet her after work, and I’d had a couple of beers, so I was a little bit drunk. When she made it to the parking lot, I tried to talk to her about it, but she was mad. She wouldn't listen to me, and I don't really know what happened."

"You pushed me, is what happened." I grumbled in frustration.

Uriel fluffed his wings again in agitation. "And then?"

"And then some guy she was flirting with came out of nowhere and shoved me around. I left. What else was I supposed to do? I met up with some friends, had a few more beers, and vented about it. And everything after that is a little bit of a blur."

"Because that's when they mind-fucked him," Luke drawled. "Shortly after that, Sia was in a car accident that almost killed her. We had to reap two humans in order to keep that from happening. Nick was going to take a third, healthy one if he had to."

"Satan?" Uriel asked.

That was when Aaron actually whimpered. And sure, maybe it was shallow of me, but there was no way I was passing up this chance.

"Bad time to mention that I'm fucking Satan?" I asked Aaron. "Oh, and Beelzebub, Samyaza, and Ronwe. Lucifer over there is one of my closest friends. So, Aaron, it seems you pushed around the wrong girl."

"Demon," Luke corrected. "Which makes this a very good time to tell me everything. If you happen to know enough about what the leaders of Delta Phi were doing, then I might let you live. If not, her father will probably pull your limbs off. I hear he has a talent Copyright 2016 - 2024