Loving a Prince Charming - By Danielle Monsch Page 0,34

bother them until the wedding day. “Why couldn’t we just tell Seth and Kira about this little turn of events instead of letting them suffer these last few days of angst?”

“You need to take a longer-term view of these things,” Sara told the other FG. “Yes, these last few days were not pleasant, but they prevented lots of ugly questions from rearing up in the future. Questions like, did Seth truly love Kira, or was he just transferring his duty from Rosamund to her? Without that little declaration, a tiny part of Kira’s heart would always wonder.”

Laura nodded. “Plus it led to Seth doing a little soul-searching—”

“Which will ultimately make him a better king. Precisely,” Sara finished, giving Laura a glance of approval. “Also, we can’t forget Rosamund. We had to let her start to come into her own. These last years have done a number on her, and it will be a long road for her.” Sara looked toward the young woman who sat alone, staring at a large, old tree outside of a window. “I really would have hated it if she fell under the curse. Her life has been ruined enough. I want her to only have happiness now.”

“Would she really have slept forever?”

“Not that long. Actually, it would only have been about a year.” Sara laughed at the surprise on Laura’s face.

A sheepish smile replaced the surprise. “I’m sorry. It’s just there had been such a build-up on the misery and fear. I wasn’t expecting it could end so easily.”

“Yes, well, her potential HEA is a very determined young man. A year, I think, and I’d be surprised if it takes that long now that she can meet him halfway.” Sara stopped and began muttering to herself, flicking her fingers in the way someone does when they are counting. Her eyes widened after she folded the last finger. “Dear me, that soon? Laura, I hope you like Rosamund.”

“I do, Godmother. Very much,” the younger woman assured her.

“Excellent, because I’m going to need you to continue your association with her for a bit longer.”

A folder appeared in the air, the red HEA stamped on the cover bright and eye-catching. With a lazy, unhurried movement, Sara grasped it and opened it to read. “Perfect. All is as it should be. Now my dear—” Sara grabbed Laura’s hand and stood, “—Let’s get you to your next assignment. Not a moment to waste.”

“Lead on, Godmother Sara. Lead on.”

The End

Note from Danielle Monsch: Hi there! I wanted to take a moment to thank all my amazing readers. My Fairy Tales & Ever Afters series is doing better than I could have hoped, and it’s all because of your support. It’s very gratifying to know I’m not alone in enjoying reimagined fairy tales.

As a token of my thanks, I’d like to give away some books! Yay, right? Here’s the deal: Leave a review of this book (or Loving a Fairy Godmother or Loving an Ugly Beast) anywhere reviews are to be found – Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, even your blog. Email me at [email protected] with a link of where you left the review, and to show my appreciation of your help, I’ll send you a free copy of the next book in this series, Loving a Perfect Princess (Snow White’s story!) when it releases in late June. And for all news about my latest releases and what’s coming out, check out my website www.DanielleMonsch.com. Happy reading!

Also Available from Danielle Monsch

Loving an Ugly Beast

Fairy Tales & Ever Afters, Book 2

He may be a Beast…

Known as Beast in his village for both his hulking size and multitude of scars, Benton had long ago resigned himself to a life without love, and he was content with his solitary existence. At least he had been, until Nissa entered his life.

…but she was no Beauty.

Plain and plain-spoken, Nissa came to the village three years ago looking for a fresh start and a quiet life. She has both, until the very strange day when her friend Benton disappears and a new man arrives at the village – handsome, charming, and intent on courting her.

A fairy godmother gives Benton his greatest wish. Now that he is a beauty and not a beast, Benton intends to make Nissa fall in love with him. However, scars don’t have to be visible to exist. Will Nissa’s past destroy any chance of Happily Ever After?

Chapter One

“Hey Rat-face, carrying any cheese in that basket?”

Nissa sighed and checked the urge to roll her eyes or speed

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