Loving a Prince Charming - By Danielle Monsch Page 0,33

locked on Kira.

Kira’s eyes flicked between the two men, and with every pass they grew wider. Shock was not immediate, but when it hit finally, Kira’s legs buckled. Only luck that a chair stood nearby saved her from falling on the ground.


Of course it was her. The obviousness of it had traces of embarrassment coloring his mind. Why else would his father have demanded she always be around him? His father, for all his faults, was not a stupid man. He had observed Seth’s feelings for Kira. Where Seth had assumed anything from indifference to outright cruelty in his father’s machinations to keep him and Kira always together, it was instead merely a way to ensure a smooth merger of the kingdoms.

Matthias looked at Kira then, a hesitant hope on his face. “You were safe with Thomas. It was the best I could do at the time.”

Kira turned to him, and the truths of this day were writ large on haunted eyes and unsmiling mouth. Truths that would take time for all of them to absorb.

Rosamund had been still and silent through the exchange. Seth looked at her. Her eyes were shuttered, but he saw the connections being made behind them nonetheless.

Her strength awed him again, only the latest incident in a long line. She survived the crush of the curse, and she would survive this betrayal.

With a straight back and pride in every line of her body, Rosamund walked toward Matthias. The king had the gall to look impatient, as if he wanted this discussion done with now. He opened his mouth, but before he said anything Rosamund balled her hand into a tiny fist and with all the energy in her small body, she punched him flat in the nose, so hard she was probably imagining pushing it through the other side of his head.

Matthias howled in pain, grabbing at his nose and bending double at the waist. King Thomas was dumbstruck, the first time Seth had ever seen that expression on his face.

And Kira started to smile. At Seth’s raised eyebrow, she said, “What? If she hadn’t done it, I would have.”

Rosamund nodded in satisfaction, though she was rubbing her knuckles with her other hand. She came to stand before Seth, and he tensed but stood ready to take the blow. She deserved this and more.

But she did not land another punch. She grabbed his one hand in both of hers. The smile she gave him was bruised at the edges, but it was genuine. “You are my dear, dear friend, and I am always yours, no matter where this life takes me.”

“Rosamund…” He didn’t know what to say. She had everything taken from her, and still she gave. Finally, he settled for, “Ask for it and it is yours, always and forever in this life, my friend.”

She stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Be happy and be blessed. I’m not going to stay for your wedding. I don’t know where I’m going, but I want to live life now. I don’t want to hide anymore. Know I wish nothing but happiness for you.” And with a final squeeze, she walked away.

Wedding. Wedding. Kira had a huge smile, echoing his own. He was a prince, and Kira…

…Kira was a princess.

“Princess Kira, it’s a pleasure to finally meet my fiancée. I am Prince Seth,” he said, bowing to the laughing woman.

It took a moment, but the giggles stopped and Kira gave a curtsy, a funny-looking move when the female was wearing trousers and not a dress. “Prince Seth, I am happy to meet you as well. I am determined to do right by my kingdom and honor our engagement.”

His light, his life, his love. Seth swept her up in his arms and spun her around, the happiness in him needing the physical outlet. “I would have married you no matter what.”

She looked over at their fathers, both men quiet and still. “I think I’ve had enough unhappiness today. We’ll deal with this later. Right now, I want to go celebrate.” She leaned up and placed her lips on his. It was a quiet kiss, loving and tender, and exactly what he needed after so long apart from her.

“Yes, celebrate,” Seth agreed. His best friend. His beloved companion. His protector. “After all, gifts like this can’t be expected every day.”

“So, question,” said Laura, watching from above as Seth walked out the door with Kira in his arms and told the two kings not to

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