Love In Secrets (Love Distilled #3) - Scarlett Cole Page 0,20

got, the heavier she felt. Today was the day of her father’s surgery, now that he was stable enough and the swelling had gone down. Hours where they’d begin to put his legs back together. Then, hopefully, they could wean him off all the medication that had left him alternating between sleeping and being too uncomfortable for anything more than simple conversation.

When she separated being the daughter of the man about to undergo the surgery from the construction expert who loved the way pieces came together on a build, she could appreciate the beauty and science of it. Rebuilding something from the broken pieces into something new and functioning on a construction site was really cool. Doing that within someone’s broken body was even more impressive.

Jake reached for her hand and squeezed it three times as he pulled up to the curb. “He’ll get through this. And Olivia is going to be there to stay with you through the surgery so you don’t have to deal with Marianne alone.”

Cassie gripped his fingers, hoping her palm wasn’t too grossly damp and sweaty from the nerves coursing through her. “I’m hoping he’s a little more lucid this morning.”

Jake turned to face her. “Me too. Tell him I’m thinking of him and that I’ll have beers in the fridge for when he gets out of there.”

“You’re such a good man, Jake. Thanks for being here for Dad. I’m upset this has all happened, but I’m glad you were nearby when it did.”

“Do you have any idea why he asked the nurse to contact you this morning?”

Cassie shook her head. “Not really. All the nurse said was he wanted to see me on my own and the doctor had given permission for me to get in a little earlier than normal. Beyond that, I have no clue.”

Jake looked around the lot. “I don’t see Marianne’s car, but you’d better get in there before she arrives. Stay strong today, Cass. Eat food. Take a break from your laptop occasionally. Get outside for a walk.”

“Good pep talk.”

He playfully gripped her chin between his thumb and finger and held her gaze. In the early morning sun, she could see the flecks of gold in his eyes.

And now she was waxing lyrical about him.

Cool your heels, Cass.

“I’m serious. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Today is about slowing down. Not speeding up.”

“Says the guy who hasn’t taken a day’s vacation in a year.”

“I didn’t say you should do as I do, I said you should do as I say. Go easy on yourself. I know you’ve got your laptop in your bag and you likely have grand plans of getting a thousand things done. But it’s your dad first, work second, and you can’t be there for either if you aren’t looking after yourself.”

“Fine. Fair point.” She placed her hand on his wrist. His skin was warm to the touch.

“Good, now go.” He leaned forward to kiss her cheek at the same time she turned to tell him she was going.

Instead of her cheek, he brushed her lips. In theory, it was nothing more than a meeting of chaste, pursed lips. But in practice . . .


The way his eyes had focused on her, the way they’d widened in surprise. His lips shouldn’t have felt so warm, so soft, and God, she shouldn’t be able to process everything in slow motion for a kiss that lasted no more than two seconds.

Yet, she could, and did, and . . .

Jake pulled away and smiled softly. He released her chin. “You need to go, before Marianne gets here.”

Go. Oh, right. She needed to get out of the truck. Discombobulated, she reached for the handle and opened the door before stepping out. She grabbed her bag and took a deep breath before looking at Jake. His stare was intense, and instead of saying anything more, she slammed the door and hurried into the hospital without looking back.

In the elevator to her father’s floor, she caught sight of her reflection in the mirrors. Slightly flushed, she pressed her fingertips to her lips. An almost kiss with Jake had sent tingles to places that really enjoyed tingling.

And why was she thinking about sex with her friend’s younger brother on the way to see her father?

“Get a grip, Cass,” she muttered out loud.

Once in her father’s room, she took a seat on the plastic orange chair next to the bed. “How are you feeling, Dad?”

His thick hair, gone salt-and-pepper around his temples, looked a Copyright 2016 - 2024