Love In Secrets (Love Distilled #3) - Scarlett Cole Page 0,19

doesn’t matter. He’s missed you, Cass.”

Cassie looked at the lights illuminating the pathway down the garden. He saw her shoulders lift in a big sigh.

“I wish I could,” she said eventually. “Hopefully he’ll get through his surgery tomorrow and be on the mend before I leave. He can work from the hospital and I can help him get set up, perhaps assess where each project is at.”

“Yeah.” Jake stood to clear their empty plates. “Only you can decide what works best for you, and you’ll get no judgment from me. I know what it feels like to put your life on hold for your family. But I know your dad would appreciate spending whatever time he could with you.”

“You mentioned a movie, and I have ice cream,” Cassie said, obviously changing the subject. She grabbed the plates from him. “Why don’t I clean up while you find something for us to watch?”

Jake watched as she rambled. He could see straight through her. But then, like him, an escape, even if it was only a movie-length one, was often enough. “Sounds like a great idea.”

When she finally joined him in the living room, she carried two large bowls of chocolate ice cream. Cassie passed one to him and then sat near him on the long sectional sofa.

He pointed towards the large television he’d installed. “I’ve narrowed it down. Marvel or DC, of which there are so many I’ve lost track of what I’ve watched or not. Or we could binge watch a murder mystery documentary. There’s one about a British serial killer.”

“Oh, Marvel or DC. Bonus points if you pick whichever one has Jason Momoa and Henry Cavill in it.”

Jake glanced toward her. “Watch my cushions. I don’t want your drool all over them if they appear shirtless.”

“It’s Jason Momoa. He’s bound to end up shirtless at some point.” Cassie reached for one of the cushions and tossed it at him. “And fine. Take your cushions. Isn’t Wonder Woman in Justice League? Put that on so you have someone to drool over too.”

Suddenly inspired, Jake took a moment to light a couple of the candles Liv had put in a tray on his coffee table. They’d been there for at least three years. Heck, they were even a little dusty and sparked when he lit them. Then he turned off the lights.

He glanced over at Cassie, expecting her to make some comment about the mood lighting, but she didn’t. She kept eating her ice cream, and he tried not to stare at the way her lips hugged the spoon. After pressing play, he sat back with his bowl. As the intro music began to play, Cassie looked over at him. He could see her out of the corner of his eye, but he kept his gaze on the screen.

Let her look.

Hell, he liked the idea of her eyes on him.

They ate their ice cream in silence, and a while later, somewhere between the remains of their dessert going melty in the bowl, and Superman appearing, talking about being a big fan of truth and justice, Cassie placed a throw pillow up against his leg, lowered her head to it, and stretched out on the sofa.

They’d done it a million times before. When they were younger, all five of them would cram on his parents’ sofa. They’d camped together. Swam together, played volleyball together, and a million other activities that put them in close proximity.

But this was the first time the heat of her had burned through the pillow to his skin.

He lowered his hand that had been resting on the back of the sofa, placing it gently on Cassie’s arm. Cassie didn’t move, just continued to watch Superman save the world. She didn’t shrug to let him know to move it, nothing. So, he left it.

And as Wonder Woman and Aquaman got their asses kicked, he threaded his fingers through her hair. Hair as soft as he’d thought it would be.

Cassie still didn’t move or object.

As the final credits rolled, Cassie reached up and linked her fingers with his. “Thanks for a lovely evening,” she said softly. He squeezed her fingers three times, and then she let go before she got up and headed to her room without a single look back.

Jake placed his hand on the pillow, still warm from her, and realized he’d paid no attention to the end of the movie.

Just the woman who had lain beneath his arm.


Cassie watched the hospital come into view. The closer it Copyright 2016 - 2024