Love in Lockdown - Chloe James Page 0,63

better and now just seeing him makes me happy. He brings back lots of great memories. So in spite of the fact he’s tatty and his ear’s nearly coming off, it doesn’t matter. Does anyone know why that is?’

‘Because it’s what’s underneath that counts,’ Alfie answers.

‘Well done, Alfie, it is. So it isn’t about how smart things are, or how much money we have or how much things cost, what makes them precious is what they mean to us. I think this virus has made us all change our priorities hasn’t it? Do you think the same things matter to you now as they did before lockdown?’

‘No, before lockdown all I wanted was riding lessons, but now I just want my mum to come home safe from work every day,’ Freya says. Her words make me swallow involuntarily. I know just how she feels. Each and every day I’ve been offering up prayers that Mum will be okay, that she will escape this virus. We all know it can be especially risky for those on the front line.

‘Absolutely – that’s really what matters,’ I say in what I hope is an upbeat manner.

‘Although I would still like riding lessons.’ She gives a shy smile.

I laugh. ‘Fair enough, I don’t blame you. I always wanted a horse when I was a child.’

‘Did you ever get one?’

‘No, but I guess I just didn’t want one so much when I was older.’ That’s the thing, our priorities change. I wish my disagreements with my mum were still as simple now as they were when I was a child. She had been upset at my change of career direction and heartbroken over Ryan. Such a nice lad with impeccable manners. Charming parents and all so successful.

‘I still want my brother to stop eating my sweets,’ Milo says, jolting me back to reality.

‘I can understand that, Milo,’ I reply, ‘but is there anything else that’s important?’

‘Yes, because we don’t have so many sweets now, I do share and he gives me some of his chocolate.’

‘That’s perfect,’ I say, relieved that I’ve managed to make a teaching moment out of Milo’s obsession with sugar. ‘So maybe in spite of the fact things are tough right now, we are all learning what really matters to us.’

Freya puts her hand up. ‘Miss Trent.’

‘Yes, Freya?’

‘Isn’t it people who are the most important thing? And how we help each other through things? That’s what really counts.’

‘Yes, Freya, you’re right, that is what means most, especially at the moment – we all really need each other now more than ever.’

As I drive back to the flat, I ponder on the fact that kids, for some reason, often get to the real heart of the matter so much better than adults. Why don’t we keep the simple, accepting and honest outlook on life we had as children?

As I pull up into the car park my phone bings the arrival of a text. It’s from Jess. Hey Soph, hope you’re well and everything’s okay. Zach and I are having a great time on our virtual honeymoon. No work, no stressful phone calls (not meaning you of course) just chilling out and watching old romantic movies and lazing in the garden. Absolute bliss. Hope you and Erica are okay and the kids at school are happy. Loved the pictures they did for our wedding, they’re so cute xx

Yes we’re all fine, don’t be fooled though, they really aren’t that cute normally, but they are good kids. How’s married life? xx

Zach’s managed to get some fresh shellfish delivered so he’s creating a special dinner tonight. I’d better make the most of it – we’ll be back on stuff from the freezer next week! xx

Sounds like here then! I’m hoping Erica will have cooked tonight; I’m shattered! xx

Well don’t overdo it. Make sure you get some down time. Are you still looking after all those neighbours of yours? xx

Just a few of them, but Jack’s been doing loads xx

I type his name without thinking, and then it all comes crashing back and I wish I hadn’t.

Ah and how is Jack? xx

Sorry, must go. Erica will be wondering where I am xx

Okay, send my love to Jack and look after yourself xx

Enjoy your time off xx

Will do! xx Don’t think you’re getting away with it about Jack. I’m going to need to know all the details when I’m back from my virtual honeymoon.

I send her a picture of the raised-eyebrow emoji and click my phone off before Copyright 2016 - 2024