Love in Lockdown - Chloe James Page 0,48

I don’t know.’

‘Both seem a bit scary. Anna wants me to serenade her with my guitar.’ I pull my hand nervously through my slowly regrowing hair.

‘She’d better join the queue.’

‘Yeah right.’ I shrug the compliment off, even though I’m pleased. ‘And who’s Minnie?’

‘Oh, she’s Marge’s cat. She won’t be singing or playing the triangle will she?’

‘No, but apparently she’s easily disturbed by uncouth noise.’

‘That’s warned us then.’

I laugh. ‘But seriously, I can’t thank you enough.’

‘For what?’ she says innocently.

‘For giving me a purpose. Something to do. I feel better than I have for ages.’ I stretch myself luxuriously out on the chair and gaze at the view.

‘That’s all the cakes you’ve been eating.’

‘I was wondering if there is anything I can do in return to thank you.’ I know before she answers, she isn’t going to take me seriously, but I’ve already thought of something, which she might appreciate.

‘Honestly it was nothing. You really don’t owe me.’

‘No but this might help you out.’

‘Okay I’m intrigued now,’ she says and I smile.

‘Well, you know your sister Jess won’t stop trying to set you up with dodgy dates for this wedding of hers?’

‘Tell me about it – the latest one sounds worse than ever.’

‘I thought of a way to get you off the hook.’

‘Nothing will get Jess to stop. It’s never going to happen. I admire your optimism though!’

‘It’s only, I thought maybe this might be a solution …’ I hesitate, then force myself to continue. It’s now or never. ‘Maybe you’d like me to be your virtual date for the wedding. If Jess thinks you have someone, she might stop being so persistent.’


Oh no, she sounds surprised. What was I thinking? I’ve completely misjudged this.

‘Well yeah, I mean not with you obviously. I don’t need to be on the call but I could be up here offering moral support throughout the service. I could wear my suit and everything. I mean it doesn’t matter, it’s just an idea …’ I mumble, my voice catching.

‘Jack.’ She stops me. ‘I think it’s a great idea. You’re on, it’s a date.’

I can’t believe it. She’s said yes; she wants me to go with her to her sister’s wedding (well sort of anyway) and I’m her date. I’m on top of the world. Although – wait a minute, she wasn’t taking me very seriously a moment ago. Maybe she just thinks it’s a joke. Darn it, how do I know?

Chapter 15


‘Jess, are you all right?’ Okay, this is a really stupid question. She’s obviously not all right; her face is streaked with tears and her mascara’s slightly smudged. All of which is totally unheard of for Jess; she usually looks immaculate.

‘Not really,’ she sniffs.

‘This is so hard. I wish I could give you a hug.’

‘I know, it’s all so tough.’ She wipes her eyes with a tissue. ‘That’s the thing, when I heard the planned wedding was going to be cancelled, I was just so upset; then it was brilliant we could go ahead with it online.’

‘I know,’ I say soothingly. ‘It’s going to be wonderful.’

‘Then this morning I just woke up feeling terrible about it all.’

‘To be fair it was quite a heavy night of partying and you’re not as young as you were.’

‘Ha-ha.’ She attempts a watery smile. ‘It’s not that – it just suddenly hit me that you’re not going to be there or Mum, or any of my posse. You’re all my support team and I need you.’

‘But of course we’re going to be there; we’ll be more “there” than we would be if this were a normal wedding. This virtual ceremony means Mum and I can be with you from first thing in the morning, right through. We’ll be with you every step of the way.’

‘I guess.’ She perks up a little. ‘Still no hugs though.’

‘I know. It will have to be a virtual hug, whatever that is. You’ll get enough hugs from Zach to make up for all of us put together anyway.’

‘True.’ She smiles.

‘How’s he doing after the stag do?’

‘A bit worse for wear. I’ve hardly seen him today. But Henry has posted some very entertaining pics of him wearing a veil, a blonde wig and someone’s hideous purple bra (goodness knows who it belongs to) on social media. I’ve suggested he wears them on Saturday!’ Henry is Zach’s older brother who is currently out in New Zealand. He’s a marine biologist but is obviously having to stay in at the moment, leaving him plenty of time for Copyright 2016 - 2024