Love in Lockdown - Chloe James Page 0,40


‘It’s crept up on me.’

‘The girl downstairs?’

‘Ha-ha, no these feelings I s’pose. We’ve been talking a lot.’

‘At a distance, I hope.’

‘Yes,’ I snap, and instantly feel bad for it. ‘We’ve just been chatting over the balcony.’

‘It’s flipping Romeo and Juliet.’ He puts on a mock high, fluting voice. ‘“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun”!’

‘I didn’t think you knew any Shakespeare,’ I retort.

‘It’s Tina – she made me watch the version with Leonardo DiCaprio about ten times. She’s got a real thing about him. And I did Macbeth at school. It was much better; everyone was murdered.’

‘Cheerful. Anyway, we haven’t been serenading each other from the balcony. She’s much more real than that. But yesterday evening she went on this virtual date.’

‘Who goes on virtual dates?’

‘I s’pose lots of people do during a lockdown.’

‘Maybe you should consider it, now you’ve sorted your hair out.’

‘I don’t need a date. I can’t cope with it, not after Laura. I thought I gave her what she wanted, but I just made her miserable instead. I’d rather steer clear. Besides, I’m obviously not suited to making any girl happy at the moment. Look at me, stuck in, because of my cruddy health condition – no social life, nothing. I’m a total wreck. I don’t want to be feeling like this about anyone.’


‘I just do. We’ve been chatting each evening and I’ve lowered down some Old-Fashioneds and she’s sent me up some cakes.’

‘No wonder you like her – the way to your heart is definitely through your stomach.’

‘And she’s been doing my shopping.’

‘She’s obviously very kind. It’s no surprise you’re thinking you’re falling for her. You’re bound to feel a bit strange when you’re stuck in all the time and then this nice kind girl comes along, sorts your food out, talks to you in the evenings when you’re bored. It’s the whole being-rescued thing. Don’t worry about it. Once you’re back out in the real world again, you’ll look back on this little episode and laugh.’

‘It’s not like that,’ I say, shaking my head. ‘She’s different.’

‘Yeah but you’re not exactly meeting many people to compare her with, are you? You don’t even know what she looks like.’ He awkwardly shifts Carrie who has fallen asleep on his arm. ‘Do you know, for someone so small, she gets really heavy.’

‘I can’t wait to have a cuddle with her,’ I say.

‘I know. It won’t be long hopefully, by then she’ll be waving her arms and trying to talk to you. Look, if you really like this girl why don’t you try to find out more about her? She’s bound to have a Facebook account or Instagram or something.’

‘I don’t like to. It’s weird I know, but I feel like we’ve got this unspoken agreement that we’re just going to keep it like this. Neither of us knows what the other looks like. Anyway, I don’t want her to think I’m a stalker.’

‘I don’t see why you can’t just look each other up.’

‘For a start, I don’t know her surname and she doesn’t know mine. I have her WhatsApp now but the picture’s taken so far away I can’t really tell what she looks like.’

‘I thought you said she brings you shopping.’

‘She does, but I’ve missed her both times. Yesterday was so close. I was waiting just so I could get a glimpse and then Dad rang about this problem with his emails.’

Sam sighs heavily. ‘Don’t mention the dreaded emails. He and Mum are being a nightmare with the whole thing. They phoned last night to ask about setting up a Facebook account amongst other things.’

‘Facebook! What do they want with that?’

‘Apparently Mum’s friends are all on Facebook and she thought it would be easier.’

‘Not considering they can’t send emails properly yet.’

‘She was also checking you’re all right,’ Sam adds.

‘Of course I’m all right. I only spoke to Dad yesterday!’

‘I know, but she worries. Apparently she’s sent you a parcel with some of your favourite things in it.’

Now I feel bad for being impatient. ‘That’s really kind of her. It’s just, you know, I don’t want to go back to the whole overstressing thing she does.’

‘She’s your mum, it goes with her job description. Give her a chance. She’s bound to worry about you on your own.’ Sam is always the voice of reason.

‘Okay I’ll give her a call later. I miss them actually.’

‘I know, mate.’

We chat for a little longer before Sam promptly disappears as he Copyright 2016 - 2024