Love at the Little Wedding Shop by the Sea - Jane Linfoot Page 0,94

bit jealous of his sense of style and how good-looking he is?’

Nic stares at me like I’ve lost it. ‘You are joking?’

‘You’re the one who asked me to be entertaining.’ I pause to give the audience time to laugh, but he doesn’t. ‘You’ll see when the time comes, we’ll prove you wrong.’ I’m completely confident on this one, or I wouldn’t be using him.

Surely that has to be the end of the argument, but just in case it’s not I run a few steps so I’m further away from him, pick up a shell, and examine it as I walk along.

Then I let my gaze slide back down the beach to Abby and Merwyn. I’m watching as Merwyn divebombs a seaweed pile, while Abby’s skipping after him, trailing a stick behind her. It’s all set against the backdrop of a glittering green sea, with a pale aqua sky above. And Nic’s a few strides away from me. I know the individuals aren’t right at all, but this is like a trial run of the family I thought I was going to be getting, but now won’t be.

And somehow, as I think this, my legs have stopped moving, because a moment later I’m standing still and Nic’s at my shoulder.

‘Are you okay, Milla Vanilla? Not worrying about the ramps are you?’

His tone is so deep with concern, I can’t help laughing at how wrong he is. ‘For once it’s nothing to do with work or weddings …’

His eyebrows go up in question. ‘If they’ve run out of raspberry sauce by the time we get to the Surf Shack I promise we’ll find something equally yummy to dribble on your cone.’

I let out a sigh. ‘I’d actually forgotten about the cafe.’

‘What the eff, Milla? If it’s serious enough to eclipse the ice cream you definitely need to share this.’

For once I’m too tired to pretend any more. ‘It’s nothing really. Except this walk on the beach reminds me of everything I signed up for when I got engaged to Ben.’

Nic’s standing beside me staring out at the waves as they break on the shore. ‘That’s a lot more than nothing.’

As I rationalise in my head yet again, it has to be for the millionth time. ‘I’m know I’m better off without Ben …’

Nic does one of his choking coughs. ‘Ben’s a bastard – you deserve so much more.’

I let out another sigh. ‘But the dog and the child and the home and the husband are what I wanted and won’t ever have now.’

Nic nods. ‘But Phoebe will.’

I sniff. ‘It’s not just the baby … they’re getting married too.’

Nic gives a groan. ‘I hate those two.’

‘And then they’ll be buying the cottage in the country. I know I loved the city, but that was another of my dreams that Phoebe stole.’

Nic’s nodding. ‘Seriously, that woman is such bad news.’ He stares out to where a fishing boat is bobbing towards the horizon. ‘If we’re completely honest, a lot of us would secretly settle for a glass of wine, a dog or two, and a woodburner.’

I can’t hide my surprise. ‘And to think I had you down as a space captain who wouldn’t give up until you’d toured every galaxy and ocean.’

He gives a shrug. ‘When I’m sailing and the storms are at their roughest, it’s the thought of the cosy fireside that always gets me home again.’

There’s something solid and reassuring about standing next to Nic when he’s being so honest. I hadn’t expected his dreams would be so simple and down-to-earth. And it’s surprising and fascinating that our secret fantasies are so similar. ‘I mind about all of it a lot less now than I did when I got here.’

Nic’s eyes are dark and thoughtful as he looks down at me. ‘It sounds like a cliché but the Cornish sea air can be very healing.’

I know I’m rambling. ‘If it hadn’t been for Pixie’s wedding I might have rushed back to Bristol. I won’t ever be looking for those things in life now. But maybe Poppy’s right. Maybe I should stay here until I don’t mind about the past anymore.’

His voice is low and measured. ‘Sometimes if you get to know yourself better, that helps too.’

‘It’s funny, when I got here my emotional life was falling apart, but I still had my professional confidence. When I was bigging myself up to you that first day, I was so certain of my ability to deliver you the perfect wedding. But maybe I’m not Copyright 2016 - 2024