Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,46

think, if I wasn’t so busy. My job keeps me on my feet, day and night. I’m often away from home. A pet wouldn’t work.”

“Death takes souls to the Underworld,” Jarrod explains to those who are close enough to listen in.

“That’s interesting!” Barrett says, folding his arms.

“I hate it,” Death says.

“Why do you do it then?” Barrett asks.

“Sometimes, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do,” Death explains. “I was forced into my father’s business.” He shrugs.

“What does your father do?” Barrett asks.

“My father is the god of the Underworld.” He looks bored. “He’s also known as the god of Death.”

“You know your father?” Barrett’s brows shoot up. “You work with him? You’ve met him?”

Death nods. “It isn’t as great as you would think. I’m technically a full god since my mother is Persephone and my father is Hades. They are married but separated. I’ve never officially been recognized as a god.” He shrugs. “Talking about Father, have you heard the latest?” he asks Night, arching a brow.

“You met Night,” I say to Barrett, gesturing towards Night. “He and Death are brothers.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see West move over to Trident and introduce himself. He seems to be moving around the room. I know that he is hoping to recognize one of the guys as a half-brother. I find myself hoping he clicks with someone. That he finds what he is looking for somehow. Maybe he’ll give Raven a break.

“What about Hades?” Night says curtly. There is no love lost when it comes to Hades. The guy is a royal prick and a pain in the ass. Night seems irritated.

Death pushes out a solid breath. “Hades is in a fantastic mood nowadays.”

“How so?” Night asks, looking skeptical. “I know he’s in love for the first time.” He rolls his shoulders. “More like addicted to his new wife.”

“You really haven’t heard?” Death looks like he’s on the verge of cracking a smile. He doesn’t.

“Spit it out already.” Night is frowning.

“Twelve is pregnant.”

“Twelve is his latest wife. She’s their stepmother,” I say to the group.

“What?” Night growls. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am!” Death shakes his head. “You would think he’d be more careful. You would think that he has enough children. I’m sure we’re not the only two.”

“You’re not,” Raven says. “I told you about the dragon demigod who stayed behind with the weyr…the woman.” She lowers her voice. “Star is the daughter of Hades. She’s your half-sister,” she says to Night and Death.

Night takes a step back, and Death’s mouth drops open.

“We have a half-sister?” Night finally pushes out.

“You do.” Raven nods once.

“I’m not sure we should be discussing those who we left behind.” Maddox has his eyes locked with Raven. “It’s not right.”

“Death and Night have a sister they know nothing about,” Raven says. “That’s not right. Star has family. I think she would want to know, Maddox. I think it would be good for her to meet you guys.”

“Maybe she would want to know, and maybe she wouldn’t,” he says. “Star chose to stay. There’s nothing we can do about that.”

“Maybe she would have chosen differently had she known.” Raven hooks a loose curl behind her ear.

“I can’t believe it.” Death looks like he is in total shock. He is so pale that his blue eyes seem brighter and his black hair darker.

The dog whines softly at Rage’s feet. She is looking up at her master with big, shiny eyes. I never noticed before, but her eyes are black. Not a very dark brown, but pitch-black.

“Okay, Dog.” Rage pets her head. Just one quick touch of the hand. I hold back a smile. Rage is not taking that dog to the shelter. He can think what he likes.

Maddox nods. “Yeah, let’s go.” He’s looking at Raven. Clearly still not happy she told us about Star. I understand. We’re protective of one another as well, but…we’re family. I want to discuss the possibility of us helping them settle down. Maybe we can offer them protection from their weyr. Help get them on their feet. They’re family. No, we aren’t going to hold hands and start singing Kumbaya any time soon, but fuck! They’re just like us. They’re clearly running, desperate, and afraid. They couldn’t afford to fix their car. They need help. I will talk to Raven about it tonight.

I go warm at the thought of our date. I catch Raven’s eye for a moment. I see her mouth twitch, and her eyes glint.

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