Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,45

go home,” she says to West. “Enjoy your jog.”

“I don’t like it,” West grumbles.

“Take care of yourself, Raven.” Maddox gives her a warning look. I see it clear as day. “Have a good sleep.” He puts emphasis on the word. Then he turns and walks away.

“You touch her, and you’re dead!” West’s eyes narrow on me.

“Good night, guys!” Raven’s voice leaves no room for question.

West’s jaw tightens. I hear his molars scrape together. He gives me a filthy look, and I can hear his heart beating. I can smell a mixture of testosterone and adrenaline. It’s thick in the air. Then he walks to the front door and lets himself out.

Raven and I look at one another. “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

“It’s not your fault,” I whisper back.

“I still feel like a child sometimes. They treat me like I’m one.”

“You stood up to them, and you won,” I say. “The more you do that, the more space they’ll be forced to give you. It’s a difficult situation.”

“Impossible.” Her eyes cloud. “Thank you. It was so good feeling almost normal for a short while. You gave that to me. It’s not just them; it’s our whole situation.”

“I meant it. If you feel up to it, we’ll sneak out tomorrow. I suggest we meet slightly later, at say, midnight?”

Her eyes sparkle with excitement, but then they cloud. “What if West comes around again?”

“Who cares what West does? You need to do what feels right. We’re friends going flying. That has nothing to do with him or Maddox. I’ll keep you safe. We’ll be on my weyr’s land. It’ll be fine.”

“You’re absolutely right.” Raven clutches her hands together. “It’s a date.” Her smile is a mile wide. It warms me up inside. Then she frowns. “Not a date, date… You know what I mean.” Then she’s smiling again.

I smile too. “I know what you mean.” We walk to the hallway and stop at my door since it’s the first one.

“Good night. Sleep well,” Raven says.

“You too.” I hold her gaze for a few seconds, thinking how her eyes remind me of new leaves on a tree in spring. Or a sprouting seed shoot. A fresh, vivid, vibrant green. Then I turn and head into my room. Raven is gone by the time I turn to close the door.

I’m looking forward to our ‘non-date’ tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve been this excited for something in a long time.



The table has been set. There is a distinct aroma of bacon in the air. Forge takes a step back and gives Barrett the once-over. “It’s almost like looking in a mirror,” he says. “I can’t believe it.”

“Me neither!” Barrett’s eyes are wide.

“Jarrod and Stephan warned me, but…I never imagined,” Forge goes on. “Same hair and eyes.”

“Same build,” Barrett says, sounding bewildered.

“It’s good to meet you,” Forge says, holding out his hand.

Barrett looks down at the outstretched appendage for a moment and then steps in and gives Forge a bearhug of gigantic proportions.

“We’re not doing that,” Rage says to Maddox, his eyes on the hugging men.

“We’re so not doing that,” he agrees. “Does your dog need a walk? Is there time before breakfast?”

“What do you say, Dog?” Rage asks the canine. She whines softly, wagging her tail. “I think that’s a yes. Breakfast will hold.”

“Nice dog,” Death says. The dog growls at Death, who smiles. “Very nice indeed. I thought I saw it under the table yesterday,” he says. He arrived late to the meeting and then left early. Poor fuck! And I think I’m cursed. My life is breezy compared to Death’s.

“Rage is taking her to our local shelter when he gets a chance. He isn’t keeping her,” I tell Death. I look up, noticing that West is talking to Samuel. He’s smiling, being nice. In fact, he’s been in a good mood today.

My attention is pulled back when Rage nods. “I might stop off at the shelter when I leave here. As long as breakfast doesn’t drag on and on, that is.”

Death nods again, “What’s her name?”

“I call her Dog…so, no name. I’m not naming her if I’m not keeping her.”

“It would be a shame to get rid of a dog as beautiful as she is.” Death is looking at the dog, and the Doberman is looking at Death with such keen intelligence, you would swear she could understand every word he was saying.

“I didn’t know you liked dogs,” I say to Death.

“I like all creatures just fine,” he says. “I would have a dog, I

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