Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,36

reasons...” I’m suppressing a smile. I think Tri means well. He’s trying to ease the tension in the room. He’s pissing everyone off.

“I’m leaving.” Rage stands; his dog is at his heels as he starts to walk.

“You’ll be at breakfast?” I ask.

Rage nods once and disappears down the hallway. We’re at Tri’s apartment. We were supposed to meet at Lyre’s, but that would be too close to the ocean for my liking.

“I don’t like any of this, one bit,” Jarrod says. “You should have said something.” His eyes are on me.

“There wasn’t much to say.” I shrug. “I will admit that I was freaked out about it. The thought of being killed or stuck inside my own head is not a very appealing one. Having said that, Raven was clear about how to avoid that from happening.” I shrug again.

“You should let her read you again,” Jarrod says. “Maybe she can get more.”

I shake my head. “I hate getting a vision. It can be downright repulsive. I don’t like the thought of anyone,” even Raven, “inside my head.”

“Pity,” Tri says. “The two of you sound like a match made in heaven. She can get inside your head, and you can get inside her…”

“No fucking around with the dragon shifter!” Jarrod says again. “I can’t make myself any clearer about that little fact. Maddox is her brother. I’m sure that West asshole is her ex. She read your future once, and chances are she’ll do it again,” he says to me. “It’s one big fuck-up waiting to happen. Stay away!”

“Agreed.” I nod, standing. “I think we’re done here.” I know Jarrod is worried about me, but he’s also being a dick. I need to get out of here, or we might come to blows.

“Is there anything else you’re not telling us?” Jarrod asks me as I walk to the door.

I shake my head. “No.” I glance back for a second.

“Don’t withhold information again,” Jarrod says to my retreating back.

I walk out without saying anything. Fuck him! I’m angry because he’s right. He’s right about staying away from Raven and right about keeping my boys in the loop. He doesn’t have to be such a prick about it.



I stand as soon as I see him. “Hi.” I wave, quickly dropping my hand to my side. I feel like an idiot. It isn’t too late to leave. I can pretend to be done and get out of his hair. Truth is, I’ve been waiting for him to come out. He mentioned he swims most nights. So here I am, waiting like an idiot.

Stephan smiles at me. As usual, it’s shy and sweet and sexy. It lights me up inside to see it. “You still up?” he asks.

I nod. “I was hoping to catch you. I enjoyed our talk yesterday. Besides,” I look around us, “it’s quiet, and it’s a lovely evening. Too nice to head to bed early.” I notice he’s wearing a swimsuit this time. “Were you expecting me to be out here? Or to turn up while you were swimming?”

“I was hopeful I might run into you.” His smile widens. “I didn’t want to scare you off again.” He looks down at his shorts.

I push out a laugh, having to work to keep it quiet. “You hardly scared me off yesterday.”

He laughs softly. “You’re right. You didn’t do much running or screaming.”

“Would you mind if I hung out while you did your laps? Maybe we can talk again afterward.”

He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t mind at all. No tea today? I could make you some?” He gestures towards the house, in the general direction of the kitchen.

“Please don’t worry.” We’re tiptoeing around one another. I don’t like it. “Have your swim, then maybe we can talk? We could even go for a walk?” I look out into his garden. It’s big and beautiful with large trees and lush beds of flowers. “I’m feeling cooped up.” I clench my hands together and push my arms out in front of me in a stretch.

His eyes narrow in on mine. “When did you last shift?”

“At least a week…maybe more. It isn’t easy, being on the road and around humans.”

“You’re a dragon shifter.”

“I know that.” I smile.

“You need to shift more often.” He lifts his brows. “It isn’t healthy to stay in your human form for so long.”

“I know that too.” I sigh. “It isn’t always possible to shift as much as I would like.” I do itch to shift more than the rest of

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