Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,35

Lyre asks. “I have to say, you look freaked out right now.”

“I’m fine. I will stay far away from the ocean, so I’ll be fine.”

“Tell us what she saw,” Forge insists, sitting back down. “Start from the beginning.”

All eyes are on me. “It was an obscure vision. I get them too, from time to time. Non-humans are hard to read.”

I think back to her exact words. I think back to that night, how I gripped her arm. I didn’t want her to leave. I wanted to touch her. To feel the warmth of her skin. I knew that, since she wasn’t human, I probably wouldn’t get anything from her. I hoped that would be the case. I never bargained on her reading me. That was a shocker!

Her eyes widened as soon as my hand touched her skin. She stared at nothing. Not nothing, she looked inside herself. Goosebumps broke out on her arms, and she sucked in a ragged breath. After a short time, she pulled away. This is the part where she kisses me on the cheek. I don’t tell them about it. It isn’t important to this conversation.

She said, “I saw your…end.”

I felt everything inside me turn cold. I could hear my heart beating. The air moving in and out of my lungs. All I could see were her big, green eyes. They were filled with fear.

“My death?” I asked her. My heart sped up in that moment. The sound loud in my ears.

“Yes, and worse,” she said, frowning.

I remember thinking, ‘how could something be worse than death?’ I’ve asked myself this question countless times since then. There are worse things. I feel my jaw tighten.

“I see two potential outcomes, but there could be more than just two. Those are the most likely right now. I see your head…a bleeding stump…unseeing eyes. If you go to the ocean,” she told me. “If you try to fight the tide, you will be swept away.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” I told her. I shook my head. It still doesn’t make any kind of sense!

I remember thinking that she might have it wrong. Her eyes moved from side to side. I think she was trying to unravel the premonition. They can be obscure. I would know. Then she locked her beautiful green eyes with mine. “I also saw that we’re the same! You can see…like me.” Her voice was animated.

I knew in that instant that she was for real. Otherwise, how would she know about me? She had to have seen it with her mind’s eye.

Then she looked despondent. “On the one hand, you will die. On the other, you will get lost inside your own mind. Pulled into a vision that will never let you go. Stay away from the ocean. I know it sounds like stupid advice, but it’s all I have for you. The ocean will be your downfall. It is true for both futures. The tide will sweep you away. Do you understand that?”

I shook my head. “Not at all.” I didn’t understand. I could die but by beheading, not drowning. Or, I’ll be swept away by the ocean but not die.


“Then she said that she was sorry and left,” I tell the others. “The whole thing lasted a minute, maybe two.”

“Stuck in a vision…” Jarrod has his eyes lifted up in thought. “What does that even mean? Who will you read?”

“No idea!”

“It sounds like a load of bull!” my brother pushes out.

“I don’t think so. She looked freaked out.”

“Either death by beheading, or something worse than death.” Tri lifts his brows. “And she has no idea what causes it? Who causes it?”

I shake my head. “The ocean.” I shrug. I’m stumped.

“So, she hasn’t touched you again since?” Tri’s eyes are glinting with humor.

“No…asshole.” I choke out a laugh and roll my eyes. I feel better now that our encounter is off my chest.

“You don’t seem too worried.” Forge leans forward, putting his elbows on the table.

“She told me to stay away from the ocean. I’ve given similar advice to people before. The future is always changing. As long as I heed her advice, I know I’ll be okay. Raven has offered to try to read me again.”

“Oh, she has, has she?” Tri smirks. Fucker!

“Stop messing around!” Night gives him a dirty look. “You’re like a child.”

“I’m just fucking with Stephanus,” Tri chuckles. “Poor dude hasn’t been laid in forever. I don’t think I’ve seen him this interested in a woman…ever.”

“I can’t touch the dragon shifter for various

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