Tempting the Beast(28)

“Feel how tight you are, Merinus,” he groaned against her neck, his tongue lapping at the perspiration there. “Feel how my flesh stretches you, fills you. You were created for me alone.”

Her cunt tightened on him, her muscles spasmed as he whispered the words against her neck. He pulled back, his hand tightening in her hair, the other holding her hip, keeping her still as she fought to buck against his body.

His lips tracked to her breast, swollen, curved so sweetly, her nipple poised like a ripe little berry atop it.

He licked it, allowing his tongue to rasp it, his teeth to grip it as she jerked against him, trying to force a deeper contact. And all the while his c**k moved slowly inside her, pushing past tight, slick muscles, pulling back, dragging the emerging barb across her tender tissue.

“You’ll kill me,” she panted. “What in the hell is that, Callan?”

“What does it feel like?” he murmured against her breast. He was terrified to tell her, afraid disgust would ride the heels of her desire if he did so.

“I don’t know. Intense.” She gripped him hard, making him grimace as he dragged his flesh nearly free of her, then pushed forward again. “Firm,” she panted. “It feels like a little finger raking over—me.” Her cry of pleasure electrified him as he felt the barb emerge further. He wouldn’t last much longer. Control. He stilled, deep inside her, fighting for breath until he felt the small protrusion relax marginally. Damn, this was killing him. The sheer pleasure of the elongated growth scraping over her flesh was almost soul destroying. There had never been anything like it.

“Why did you stop?” she whimpered, pressing against him as he drew her nipple into his mouth for a quick taste.

“Slow and easy, Merinus,” he growled.

“No.” She shook her head. “Fast and hard. Oh God, Callan. If I don’t come soon I’m going to die.”

She was dazed, beseeching, clenching around him, her soft cream sliding over him. He wouldn’t last much longer. The barb was pulsing, a demand of its own, his c**k was throbbing, demanding action, demanding the fierce hard friction that sent him spiraling into cl**ax.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He kissed her breast again. “I know you’re tender.”

“No. I’m dying.” He felt her legs lift, encircle his h*ps and his control disintegrated. Merinus cried out as the thrusts began. Hard, hot, driving into her. The thick expanse of his c**k stretched her, biting at her flesh, whatever the hell that little thumb of silken torment located on his erection was doing to her, would kill her. It scraped over the walls of her cunt, caressing nerves she never would have known existed, swelling against her, pulsing, separating from the driving flesh of his erection.

Her legs tightened around his hips, driving him deeper within her as she fought for breath. It was so good. His scrotum slapped at her bu**ocks, the flesh of his lower abdomen raked her swollen clit. She felt fire in her vagina, in her womb, burning her, searing her. Her muscles clenched around him, loving the feel of the rough rasp of whatever it was that stroked the inner walls of her. It was hot. Oh God, it was killing her with pleasure, like a hard tickle. That’s what it was. A strength destroying tickle that locked her muscles, stole her strength.

“Merinus, baby,” he groaned against her breast. “I can’t control—”

The little thumb lengthened, raked, locked his c**k deep inside her, then impaled the ultra sensitive tissue in the very depths of her cunt. It moved, pulsed, tickled and stroked until she exploded. She screamed, feeling the hard jets of his se**n as she cl**axed around his flesh, her h*ps arching, her cl*t erupting in pleasure, lava thundered through her veins, bubbling with the fierce ecstasy as she pulsed

around him, milking his cock, soaking his flesh.

His h*ps jerked against her, his rumbling growls vibrating against her br**sts as he breathed harshly at her shoulder, groaning in the throes of his own frenzied release. Then slowly, she felt the pressure ease. Once again it was only his cock, thick, softening only marginally as he pulled free of her.

“Once I rest,” she said drowsily. “You’re gonna tell me what that was, Callan.”

She snuggled against his chest as he collapsed beside her, dragging an afghan from the back of the couch and wrapping it around her, her br**sts cushioned against the incredible heat of his chest, her body languid, sated for the moment.

“If I have to,” he whispered at her ear, somber.

“Hm, you have to.” She yawned. But first, a nap. Her eyes closed, her body relaxed against his heat and she drifted quickly into rest.


“I have work to do.” Merinus kept her voice carefully controlled, calm, as she sat at the kitchen table the next morning, staring down at her untouched cup of coffee.

Breakfast had been completed in silence, despite the amount of people who had ranged around the table. There were six of the Breeds as they called themselves, Merinus and the doctor. The sheer scope of the story she was now looking at terrified her. Not because of the implications of it, but due to the part she now played in it.

The others had left after eating. The other three males disappearing outside, Sherra, Dawn and the scientist returning to the lab while Callan stayed and watched Merinus in concern.

“What work do you have that doesn’t require you to be right where you are?” His broad, bare shoulders lifted in a shrug, as though her forced confinement here was not a problem.

“Where’s my cell phone?” She ignored his question. “And I want you to take me back to camp. I have interviews to do—”

“If I am your story, then why would you need to do other interviews?” he asked her curiously.

“Your mother’s death—” she began.