Tempting the Beast(26)

“No more tests,” she informed them as she dressed, buttoning Callan’s shirt with shaking fingers over the throbbing mounds of her br**sts. “I can’t stand it anymore.”

“The tests are necessary, Merinus,” Sherra told her with a sigh.

“Look, I cannot f**king tolerate being touched anymore,” she snapped, almost in tears, her skin still crawling from the sensation of someone’s hands, other than Callan’s on her. “Do you understand me?”

Shock crossed Sherra’s expression, bemusement filled the doctor’s.

“How do you mean, Merinus?” Sherra’s voice stayed soothing, but Merinus heard the confusion in her voice.

“Just what I said.” Merinus fought her tears. “Where’s Callan? He was supposed to come for me.”

She had to find him. Her body was going crazy, rioting. Tiny fingers of sensation were washing over her skin, leaving her shuddering, shaking.

“Callan’s upstairs, just as he promised he would be.” Sherra reached out to touch her, but Merinus jumped back, flinching away from the contact. “Merinus, something else is evidently happening. You have to let us help you.”

“Get away from me.” Merinus shook her head.

“Sherra, get Callan down here,” Doctor Martin had watched the byplay silently, but his voice now became commanding. “Get him down here quickly.”

Merinus gripped the side of the bed. Her legs shook as she fought to stay upright.

“I want to go home,” she panted, suddenly terrified by a thousand different feelings and sensations assaulting her. “Make them take me home, Doctor.”

“I will discuss it with Callan, Merinus,” he promised her softly, but she heard the indulgent tone of his voice. He was merely placating her. Lying to her.

She shook her head, fighting to stay upright.

“Where the f**k is Callan,” she cried out, disoriented now. She was sweating heavily; she could feel the moisture running down her face, between her br**sts. Her heart was beating hard, laboring, her lungs fighting for breath. “What did he do to me?”

Her fists clenched as she felt herself collapsing against the bed.

“Let me help you, Merinus.” The doctor reached for her.

She felt his hands on her arm and jerked back, fire seemed to lance her skin, searing her flesh as she fought to get away. She stumbled over the bed, going to her knees, feeling the scrape of the hard floor as she fought to right herself.

“Don’t touch me!” she screamed out.

She was crying now, her stomach cramping. She clasped her abdomen, bending over, rocking against a pain she had never felt before. She was terrified. So scared that her entire body was shuddering now. She was cold, shivering, filled with dread and on the edge of hysteria.

“Merinus.” Callan’s shocked voice echoed around the room.

Seconds later his hands gripped her arms, pulling her against him.

“What the hell is going on?” His voice was raised, furious, the dangerous growl rumbling in his touch.

“Withdrawal,” the doctor bit out. “I believe, Callan, your woman is in withdrawal.”

Callan felt fear course through his body. Merinus was clawing at him, fighting to get closer to him, crying, hysterical with fear or pain, he couldn’t say which.

“From what?” He lifted her head, staring down into her face. She was pale, her eyes dark, nearly black with shock.

“From you,” Doctor Martin stated roughly. “I don’t know what to do for her now.”

Callan cursed.

“Help me,” she whispered desperately, her tears hot on his flesh, her body shaking, her skin cold and clammy. “Please, Callan. Please help me.”

He lifted her quickly into his arms, his lips going to hers, his kiss swallowing her cry as he turned from the others. His tongue went to her mouth, tempting hers, mating with it. He knew when the need had been at its height the night before, his kiss had soothed her, eased the clawing need. God help him and her if it didn’t now.