
She was spread out. Though there was some slack in the chains, she wouldn’t be able to go far if she did move. She shuddered, dragging in air with a sense of desperation as her arousal intensified. Never with Jase had she felt the trepidation and searing desire that she did now. As though she had known Jase was no threat to her, neither emotionally nor sexually, but James was. He could destroy her. If she let him.

“So nice,” he whispered as he moved back to the bottom of the bed, moving between her spread thighs.

His hands ran up the backs of her thighs as she trembled beneath his touch. Long-fingered and broad, his hands were warm and slightly calloused, creating an exciting friction on her flesh.

“I used to hide and watch you whenever I saw you out in public,” he whispered. “I knew you would run if you saw me, and I loved watching you move, Ella. Watching the sweet curves of you ass flex, the line of your back, the tilt of your head. I would drink the sight of you in.”

Ella’s hands clenched in the blankets beneath her as his hands cupped the lower curves of her rear, spreading her apart sensually. She could feel her cunt, drenched and hot, rippling with convulsive shudders of need. She couldn’t stop the involuntary flexing of her bu**ocks, or the little whimper that escaped her throat.

“Are you comfortable?” he asked her, his voice low, rough.

“No.” She had to fight for air. She felt intoxicated and yet on the edge of panic.

“Good.” He patted her rear a little sharply in approval. Ella flinched at the tingling heat that washed up her spine from the light tap. “Now, I want you to try to relax for me a little, Ella. I want to put the plug inside you, get you ready, before we go any further.”

Relax? He was kidding, she thought. He had to be.

She felt him moving at the bottom of the bed, his body shifting beneath her before his hair brushed her leg. She jerked as his hands went under her thighs, lifting her a bit before his tongue thrust hard and fast inside the soaked channel of her pu**y.

“Oh God! James!” she cried out, her back bowing in reflex, angling her hips higher for the invasion.

His tongue was like a flame, searing her vagina as he pushed in hard, then pulled back slowly. As though he had already shaken the foundations of her desire, he began to lap at her. His tongue licked and stroked, drawing her juices from her body as he murmured his appreciation of her taste, or her need, she wasn’t certain.

His fingers moved to the gentle curve of her cunt lips, spreading them marginally as his tongue delved higher, licking through the slit, circling her clit. Teasing strokes of his demon tongue had her grinding her pu**y into his mouth, and yet with little ease. As she moved closer, his mouth drew farther away.

She was only barely aware of his fingers probing between her bu**ocks, slick with the cool gel of the lubrication that coated them. One long finger pierced her puckered opening as James’ tongue speared deep inside her cunt once again.

Ella’s eyes flew open as a gasp escaped her lips. Braced only partially on her knees, the slack in the restraints taken up by her position, there was no way to escape the invasion. She moaned, a drawn out sound of shocked pleasure, heated pain as his tongue f**ked her clenching vagina once again.

“James,” she whimpered his name, fighting to hold onto her control.

Her anus stretched around the probing finger, welcoming the heated sensations that came from his smooth, stroking movements. He didn’t answer her unspoken plea, one she wasn’t certain of herself, rather he pulled the finger back, added another and pushed into the tight entrance once again.

A cry strangled in Ella’s throat.

“Easy, darlin’.” His voice was a rough croon as his fingers began to gently scissor inside her anus, stretching her slowly as he slurped at the juices running from her heated cunt.

The bite of pain was intoxicating, addicting. Pleasure swelled inside her as he stretched her, licked her, his other hand moving up her body until it tucked beneath her breast, his fingers plucking at her nipple. She was shaking, suspended between lust and that sharp bite of pain, and terrified he would stop.

He prepared her slowly. The pleasure became a tormenting surge of sensations as his fingers prepared her anus gently. There was no impatience, as Jase had often shown, no irritation that it took so long to prepare her. Beneath his unhurried caresses she eased, relaxed, until he was working three long fingers in and out of the back passage as her strangled moans echoed around the room.

“Yes, baby,” he crooned into the dripping folds of her pu**y. “So sweet and tight, Ella.”

She moaned in protest as his fingers pulled free, then moaned again in rising pleasure as his tongue began circling her clit. She was unaware of his hands for long moments, unaware that more was coming. Her dazed senses only knew his hard breaths between her thighs, his stroking tongue…

Chapter Eight

“James…” She wailed his name as the head of the butt plug seared her anus as he pushed it into the tight entrance.

She fought the restraints, pressed harder into his licking tongue and nearly came to the smooth, stroking movements as fire lanced through her rectum. Thickly lubricated, the plug invaded her slowly, stretching her, burning her, bringing her so close to orgasm she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming out for it.

“James, please.” She couldn’t stop the strangled plea tearing from her throat as the anal plug lodged inside her anus, her muscles clenching on it, her pu**y shuddering in reaction to the pleasure/pain.

He moved then, despite her protesting cry, pulling himself from beneath her thighs and kneeling behind her. Her hips arched to him, her body desperate, mindless. His hand landed on the upturned cheek of her ass in a surprisingly sharp blow.

Ella stilled. At first, shock arced through her body, then an excitement that had her stilling in fear. She didn’t like it, she assured herself. It was depraved, perverted. She wouldn’t like it.

“From now on, if you need to get off, Ella, you come to me. No more vibrators unless I insert them. Do you understand me?”