
It was dark, a little after ten, and James was still in the bed with her. Even worse, his half erect c**k was still buried in her pu**y where it had been after her last climax.

She moved to jerk away, but his arm around her hips stopped her, and her heart raced as his c**k began to harden inside her.

“In a minute, Charlie,” she called out, pushing at his arm. “I fell asleep. I’m sorry. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Well, hurry,” Charlie called back. “It’s getting late and I need to head home.”

The sound of the other woman’s footsteps fading away from the bedroom door eased her harsh breathing until she felt James thrust inside the tight grip of her vagina as his throttled groan sounded at her ear.

“I have to get up,” she whispered, pulling at his arm, wanting nothing better than to push back against him, to scream out in the pleasure again.

“Damn,” he muttered, though there was no anger in his tone, only regret.

Ella bit her lip as the hot length of flesh eased from her and he rolled lazily to his back as he reached over and flipped on the light at his side of the bed. She looked back at him as she wrapped the blanket around her and rose to her feet. He was naked and unashamed of it. His long fingers scratched at his chest as he smothered a drowsy yawn. His erection lay against his lower stomach, glistening with her juices and his earlier release. He looked sexy as hell.

Ella shook her head before he could tempt her any further, grabbed her robe and rushed to the bathroom. It took longer than she would have liked to clean the evidence of their spent passion from her body. Thankfully, James had removed the butt plug earlier, though her vagina, and her tender back entrance were still a little sensitive.

Ten minutes later, she left the bathroom, covered in her long gown and robe. James still lay on the bed, watching her through narrowed eyes.

“She doesn’t know you’re here,” she whispered.

His eyes narrowed further. “Who does know?”

She licked her lips nervously. “Just Tess and Cole.”

“I see.” His tone of voice suggested he might see more than she was actually saying. “So you want me to stay put?”

She shrugged. Hell yes, she did. Her friends rarely kept secrets. What Charlie knew, Terrie would know, and Marey would know and Tamera. She winced at the thought. She especially didn’t want Tamera to know.

“Fine.” He shrugged, though she didn’t trust his tone of voice. “Go visit your friend. I’ll be here when you’re done.”

He closed his eyes. Ella breathed in deeply in relief before she rushed from the room.

* * * * *

“It’s about time. What were you doing in there, anyway?” Charlie turned from the refrigerator as Ella moved into the kitchen.

Charlie was nearly five years younger than Ella, slim and sophisticated, dressed in a gray silk sheath with matching heels. Her long, black hair fell to the middle of her shoulders like a fall of midnight silk, contrasting to the perfect peaches and cream perfection of her bare shoulders.

“I was asleep.” Ella went to the coffee pot and put on a fresh brew of coffee.

“You’re never asleep before midnight, Ella,” Charlie scoffed. “Hell, you’re still up at one and two in the morning. I know, I can see your bedroom light from my house.”

Ella lowered her head. She was unaware Charlie kept such a close eye on her. It was disconcerting.

“Sometimes I take a nap.” She shrugged, flipping the switch and listening to the machine begin to hum as it began to heat the water. “It’s no big deal.”

She turned back to her friend, aware of Charlie’s steady regard as she took a slice of cheesecake from the refrigerator and moved to the table. She collected a fork from the cabinet as she passed by it, but still, she watched Ella.

“What’s going on? You’re acting strange.” Charlie was the most perceptive of her friends, but Ella didn’t like how easily even she was reading her.

“Nothing’s going on.” Ella moved two cups from the cabinet and set cream and sugar on the table. “I was just tired, Charlie.”

She was just damned uncomfortable now. Her thighs were weak and tender, her br**sts marked by James’ mouth, her body longing to return to him. She usually enjoyed her friend’s visits, and looked forward to them. Charlie was usually easy going and filled with laughter, but now she just wanted her to leave. Ella wanted to return to James, his heat, his hard body.

“Ella, you aren’t acting right, honey.” Charlie watched her with sharp, deep blue eyes. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Ella shook her head as she poured the coffee. She had to fight the trembling of her hands, and the knowledge that everything was suddenly out of control. And not just sexually.