Stygian's Honor(152)

Turning to him, exhausted, still torn and filled with doubts, she allowed his arms to surround her, to wrap her in the comfort and the warmth she’d always ached for.

“I wouldn’t have missed it,” she told him, feeling his lips at her temple, the beat of his heart beneath her ear.

“Missed what, baby?” he asked gently, as though he didn’t know.

He had to know.

Tilting her head back, she stared up at him, her eyes filling with tears, but this time, tears of thankfulness, of joy.

“You.” Her voice was thick with that emotion. “I wouldn’t have missed what we have, Stygian. Not for anything.”

His hand lifted, brushed back the hair at her temple then cupped the side of her head as his lowered to hers. “Neither would I, mate. Not for the world, or the safety of anyone in it, would I have missed a single moment we’ve had, or all the moments to come.

She wouldn’t have missed it for anything; now she just prayed the past she had managed to escape for twelve years didn’t find a way to turn around and destroy them. Then she didn’t think, regret or fear. As his lips slid over hers, his tongue stroking against them, parting them and sending brilliant forks of sizzling pleasure to race through her body, Liza knew there was nothing on the face of the earth that could have convinced her to miss this moment, this life and this man.

The taste of the mating heat filled her senses, washing through her, sensitizing her nerve endings and leaving her wet, needy, wanting his touch, his hold as she had never needed anything before.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on to him, feeling the heat and incredible hardness of his body as he lifted her closer. As he gripped her hips, lifting her and bearing her back on the bed as he came over her, Liza felt a sensual, feminine weakness sweeping over her.

This was the most incredible pleasure. Watching him come over her as he leaned close, the fingers of one hand moving for the buttons of the light cotton blouse she wore and slowly loosening them.

Her heart rate jumped as the backs of his fingers brushed against the mounds of her br**sts. A moan whispered past her lips as he flicked open the front clasp of her bra and eased the cups from the swollen br**sts.

“Stygian, yes.” Her hands moved from his shoulders to his hair, reaching for the thin strip of leather that held the silken strands back from his face.

“Not yet.” Catching her wrists, he pulled them back over her head, anchoring them to the mattress with one hand as his lips lowered to the hard tips of her ni**les.

Arching, straining against his hold, she whimpered as the heat of his tongue licked over the pebble-hard tip and his free hand slid along her hip before moving to the small metal tabs of her jeans.

Her legs shifting, thighs tightening as heat began building in her vagina, her moisture easing along the swollen folds, she toed her sneakers off, desperate to do whatever it took to get as naked as possible, as fast as possible.

As her shoes hit the floor, the last tab slipped free at the same moment, and Stygian’s lips parted and covered the desperately swollen bud of her nipple.

“Oh God.” Liza arched as he sucked the tip into his mouth, his tongue lashing at it as he began pushing at the denim and her silk panties. Working them over her hips as she lifted for him, pushing the jeans to her thighs, then to her knees until Liza could work them free of her legs, he rumbled a growl of approval in his chest at her anticipation.

His hand stroked from her knee, moving slowly upward, the calloused pads caressing up her inner thigh as her legs parted for the intimate touch. His fingers moved to the slick, bare folds of her pu**y, easing between the swollen flesh to stroke against the clenched, snug entrance as pleasure bombarded her and searing flashes of heated sensation raced over her nerve endings.

Her juices eased from her inner flesh, meeting his fingertips to heat and slicken them as she arched against him, feeling the electric arc of pleasure/pain that struck her womb as his mouth tightened on her nipple, his tongue burning it as he lashed at it.

Lifting his head from the tight, throbbing peak of one nipple, he moved his lips to the other, sucked it inside and licked it, tormenting it. His teeth gripped the tender bundle of nerves, drawing a startled cry of pleasure from her as she tried to lift her hands, tried to touch him.

His head lifted.

The blue in his eyes obliterated the dark irises, gleaming between his thick lashes as he stared down at her, watching her face as his fingers stroked from the tight opening of her vagina to the swollen, throbbing bud of her clit.

“Stygian,” she moaned, arching to him, her hips lifting as she became desperate for a deeper, harder touch. “Please, don’t tease me.”

“Tease you?” The rasp of his voice stroked against her senses, adding to the sensations. “Oh, mate, teasing isn’t what I had in mind.”

His fingers circled her clitoris, easing along the slick, hot cleft and following the wet heat that spilled from her pu**y and eased lower to heat the forbidden entrance to her rear.

Her entire body was heating. Sensations were tearing through her, blazing through her senses and tearing at her control as Stygian’s head lowered and his lips covered hers. As he released her wrists, Liza lifted her arms, wrapping them around his neck, holding on to him as his tongue stroked against hers, teased it, flickered against her lips until they closed on it and suckled at it hungrily as the taste and heat of the mating hormone began to speed through her system.

The arousal built, tearing at her, making her desperate for more, for his c**k f**king inside her, stroking into the clenched depths of her vagina.

Their moans began to fill the room, desperate and filled with torment as the hunger began to burn through their system and lash at Liza’s senses.

She pulled at his shirt, jerking it up his muscular back before flattening her hands and running them to his midriff to push beneath the material.