Stygian's Honor(151)

He inhaled slowly then narrowed his gaze on her and inhaled again. “All I smell is her truth. She’s never seen him.”

“But her subconscious knows she has,” Jonas all but whispered. “That’s my gift, Stygian. You and your mate now know what no one but my own mate has been given the secret of. Even the scientists who knew died by my hand. I don’t give a damn what you believe. I can sense, and even smell, what only your subconscious knows.”

Liza shook her head. “I have a photographic memory stronger than you can even realize,” she informed him, her voice scratchy, so hoarse from her tears she didn’t sound human herself. “I would know if I had seen him.”

“Only if your subconscious wants you to know,” he stated deliberately. “And the added complication of your Breed genetics makes that part of you much stronger. Stronger even than that extraordinary memory of yours.”

Shock had Stygian tightening his arms around her when Liza would have jerked away from him.

“He’s crazy,” she cried out. “I’m no Breed.”

Stygian shook his head, staring down at her as though he were only just realizing it. “That’s why the mating heat was so different. It’s the reason why your ability to fight is so extraordinary. And why your scent took me aback as I rushed into the room. Breed genetics.”

She was shaking her head as he spoke. “It’s not possible,” she whispered numbly.

“It’s not only possible, it’s a fact,” Jonas assured her. “Now, we just have to figure out how to use it to keep Honor Roberts hidden until we can find the others.” His gaze flashed dangerously then. “I know who Fawn is, Liza. I know Claire Martinez is the girl that escaped those labs with you, but I must know any weakness she has, as well as her strengths. If we’re going to save her and Gideon, then I have to know who and what I’m facing. And I have to know where I can find Judd.”

Liza felt numb inside. Everything she had believed weeks before was a lie. The life she had lived, the parents she cherished, the friends she thought she had grown up with. It was all a farce. A farce that had kept her alive for the past twelve years and one she now had to uphold to save the only sister she had ever known.

She shook her head as she stared back at Jonas.

“Fawn was always so tiny. Judd and Gideon used to call her the little fairy. Every year on Claire’s birthday, a fairy is left where she can find it. And they’re always very, very expensive. She keeps them in a secured storage center in town where she can go look at them whenever she wants to.”

Jonas nodded. “That would suit Fawn.” Then his gaze sharpened on her. “And what about you?”

“I must amuse him somehow, he’s always leaving me knives. And I’ve learned how to use every one he’s sent.” Her breathing hitched painfully. “But I don’t know who leaves them or how they do it.”

He didn’t leave girly little knives either. They were always lethal and always intended for one thing and one thing only: spilling blood.

“Where do we go from here, Jonas?” Stygian asked from behind her. “Don’t play games with me where she’s concerned. The time for your manipulations where Liza and I are concerned is over.”

Liza. She had to stay Liza, not Honor. At least for a little while longer.

“Now, we’re tracking her assailants.” His expression tightened once again. “Once we have them in custody and we learn how much the Genetics Council knows concerning them, I’ll handle that end. Until then, what you do remember of those years and the serum you were given, I must know.” Agony flashed in his gaze. “If I lose my daughter, Ms. Johnson, then it won’t matter the battle we’re fighting or the need to move with caution. I promise you, there won’t be a scientist or an individual associated with that organization that I will allow to continue breathing. That, I promise you.”

That promise Liza felt to the bottom of her soul.

“I still don’t remember everything.” She was holding on to Stygian as though he were a lifeline, terrified she was going to sink into the fears tearing through her now. “But—” She lifted her hands from Stygian to rub at the ache in her temples. “Jonas.” She stared back at him miserably. “There were so many injections, and only Gideon knew what each one was. I was assigned to the scientists that worked with the blood transfusions and who analyzed the data on the blood tests and the different hormones that showed in them. Fawn worked with the techs that coded the information, and Judd was with the group that created and administered the medications for the different side effects. Gideon was with Brandenmore and his scientists as they created the serums for the different groups and administered them.”

“There was more than your group?” Jonas growled.

“Unfortunately.” She had to bite back the sobs that still ached in her chest as more tears fell. “I don’t know how many, or what they were focused on. Only Gideon knew.”

Jonas’s jaw clenched tight as his gaze flashed with a brutal fury.

“Then we’ll just have to ensure we draw Judd and Gideon in. Until then,” he continued. “No one outside a very select group, chosen by me, will know that you are now aware of your identity or that we’re aware you’re anyone other than Liza Johnson. Not even your parents will know. Claire Martinez, especially, will be kept in the dark.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked as Stygian’s arms wrapped around her once again.

He’d remained quiet, but it was as though she could feel him, sense the careful calculation and the plans he was working on himself as she and Jonas spoke.

Dropping his arms from his chest, he slid them instead into the pockets of his slacks as his lips quirked mockingly once again. “Why, Ms. Johnson, I’m going to do exactly what I’ve been doing for the past months. I’m going to pull in the final two pieces. Once I have the four of you together, then I pray to God, I’ll have the key to saving my child.”

With that, he moved to the door, calmly, carefully opened it and stepped into the sitting area of the suite. The door closed behind him almost silently as chills raced up Liza’s spine.

“Will he keep her safe?” she whispered.

“As a mate in her lover’s arms,” he sighed as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her against the warmth of his chest. “She just might not enjoy the experience.”