
“I’ll be waiting you at the doors, dearest,” he informed her smoothly. “My best guess is, we have perhaps an hour before Ian returns home and finds out where you are. Are you certain you’re prepared for the consequences?”

She rolled her eyes. That wasn’t even worth answering.

She disconnected, tossed the phone to the bed and moved quickly for her door once again. If she could have skipped in the slender heels, she would have. This was it. She could feel it burning through her body. Ian was already strung as tightly as her father’s guitar strings, all it would take was a nudge to push him over.

She knew she should feel guilty for manipulating him so. That she should fear the repercussions, and in many ways, she did. But she knew Ian. To the very bottom of her soul she knew him. If she allowed him to continue as he was, he would only convince himself further that she couldn’t possibly know what love was, and that there was no chance she could handle his appetites.

He was so stubborn. So certain that she needed to be protected. It wasn’t his protection she needed, it was his love. His acceptance.

Shaking her head, she slipped along the foyer until she came to the inner door that led to The Club. Opening it carefully, she moved into the dimly lit hall and made her way to the door that Ian had ordered be kept securely locked against her.

She turned the doorknob carefully, excitement surging through her as she opened the door.

“Ian will no doubt punish you terribly for this,” Khalid drawled from where he was leaning against the wall beside the doorway. “I can only hope he allows me to help.” His gaze became brooding. “I’m going to enjoy paddling your ass, Courtney.”

She flashed him a brilliant smile, her hand lifting to play with the braid that fell over her shoulder, affecting an innocent expression despite the sexual intensity thrumming through her.

“Should I call you ‘Uncle’, too?”

She almost laughed at the glazed, sexual intensity that filled his eyes. Sometimes, men could be so simple.

“You are wickedly shameless,” he finally sighed with a wry expression. “Every man’s greatest fantasy and worst nightmare. Beware, Courtney, bad girls often get spanked.”

“Hmm, spank me, Uncle Khalid?” She laughed as he shook his head at her, though his eyes gleamed with amusement.

“Come along, vixen.” He placed his hand against the bare flesh of her back and guided her to the open doors of The Club. “I have purchased the finest bottle of whisky that Ian stocks, and I promise Thom will keep you in ice until Ian arrives.”

From the sound of his voice, he was eagerly awaiting Ian’s arrival. But then again, so was she.

They entered the main room of The Club as nearly a dozen pairs of eyes turned and looked their way. Surprisingly enough, there was another woman present, one Courtney knew quite well.

“Courtney Mattlaw, your father would have a stroke.” Alyssa Hampstead came to her feet as Khalid led her to the table. “I heard you were staying with Ian, but didn’t believe it.”

“Hello, Alyssa.” Courtney smiled widely. “And don’t mention Daddy. If he would have a stroke, then yours would self-detonate. I had no idea you were a member here.” Better yet, how was she a member?

“Have a seat, ladies.” Khalid pulled Courtney’s chair from the table as she took her seat before moving to assist Alyssa similarly. “I’ll get the drinks and join you momentarily.”

He turned from them as Alyssa’s eyes followed him with a touch of heat.

“He’s a wild man,” she sighed. “But quite charming.”

“What on earth are you doing here?” Courtney couldn’t believe a woman had actually made it into Ian’s sacred Club as a member. “How did you manage it?”

Cool blue eyes turned to regard her thoughtfully.

Alyssa was often referred to an “ice princess” with her steely eyes and soft ash blonde hair. She was from one of the most upstanding prudish families Courtney had ever known. Her family was old money, staid, conventional, and her father would likely murder her himself if he ever learned she was taking it up the butt by a man, let alone at the same time she was getting it elsewhere.

“Several of The Club members are very good friends.” The other woman shrugged. “They applied for my membership and vouched for me personally. It beat taking the chance of Father learning my little hobby.”

There was no bitterness in her voice, nor truly any anger, but Courtney now, as always, felt a measure of respect for her. She lived her life under a microscope at times, just as Kimberly Raddington had. A cherished daughter and heiress, the head of several charitable organizations, and often approached as a spokeswoman for those organizations.

Courtney had always admired her for her work, the warmth that she showed to only a few people, and her family loyalty. Now, she found, she had much more to admire the woman for.

“Your drinks, ladies.” Khalid sat a small glass of whisky and ice in front of her, a rum and coke in front of Alyssa. “I understand Ian is currently on his way home from a meeting he left in the middle of.” He was amused to no end. “Enjoy it while you can.”

Courtney sighed as she lifted the glass to her lips.

“He hasn’t shared you yet.” They both watched as Khalid took his seat across from them.