
“Oh them.” She waved her hand carelessly. “I’d worry less about your play mates and more about your lover if I were you.” She grinned. “Terrie will keep stealing your control, Jesse, if you don’t do something quickly. She can be a dominant little thing, can’t she?” She chuckled wickedly.

Jesse remained quiet, calm, though his amusement was growing. Tally was supremely confident, mocking, more than a little dominant herself. He couldn’t wait to see her fall.

“Tally, you have the rest of the day off,” he told her softly. “Long lunch, early dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She sighed, and he was intrigued to see the impression of a pout forming along her lips before she carefully controlled it.

“So who is the playmate going to be?” She tried to come off as casual, curious, but he caught the hint of something more.

He leaned closer to his desk, tilting his head with amused inquiry. “Who would you suggest, Tally?”

She shrugged negligently. “I was merely curious, Jesse.”

“Is there someone who shouldn’t be considered, Tally?” He leaned back in his chair, watching her carefully.

She came gracefully to her feet. “You and your little playmates are really none of my concern. By the way, Lucian Conover called. He’s coming in after lunch to discuss something about that contract he had problems with,” she sniffed disdainfully. “He didn’t want to hear that you might be busy. I’ll go to lunch now, dear. Watch out for hidden handcuffs and the like.” Her amused laughter was soft, lilting in its confidence.

“Tally.” He stopped her as she neared the door.

“Yes, Jesse.” She turned back, her body poised gracefully to sweep from the room.

“Lucian likes handcuffs, sweetheart, and a whole lot more. You might want to watch how much you taunt him.”

Her grin turned wicked, decidedly sexual. “Oh Jesse, darling, don’t worry. I won’t hurt him too badly.”

He chuckled as she swept from the room. He knew Lucian would eventually make his move on the temperamental little beauty, he just wondered if the other man would survive it.

Chapter Thirteen

The outer office was deserted. Terrie drew in a deep breath, fighting the trembling ache in her rear from the plug inserted inside it. The silk of the dress rasped against her sensitive ni**les. Her pu**y creamed heatedly. To some extent she suspected what was coming. The added rush of nervous fear and anticipation had her nearly panting in arousal.

She turned the lock in the door as she closed it behind her. The main offices were quiet this afternoon but she wanted to take no chances that she and Jesse would be disturbed.

She had given to Jesse the night before in the only way she knew how, to show him she understood the needs and the desires that were so much a part of him. She even understood, to some extent, that need as well. Watching Tally touch him, seeing his arousal, his pleasure, hearing his breathing hitch as he let the pleasure suffuse him, had been incredibly arousing.

In setting up the experience she was more than aware she had given Jesse implicit permission to turn the tables on her. She had given him her acceptance without words and now she fought to stem her nervousness over the choice. She had never been taken in such a way. Had never been shared between two men. Until Jesse, she had never known such rough loving, that such incredible, spiraling pleasure could be attained from the darker edge of lust.

She bit her lip as she approached his door. It was barely open, with no sound coming from the room beyond. Somehow he had managed to find his control once again. She could sense it, knew it. His voice on the phone earlier had assured her of it.

She pushed the door open slowly, stepping into the room as her gaze sought out Jesse.

He stood in front of the large, drapery-shrouded windows. The room was dim; his form was tall, graceful, commanding.

“Lock the door.” His voice was a hard rumble of lust.

Terrie felt her womb clench, her pu**y flood. With shaking hands she closed the door, turning the lock and nearly flinching at the sharp sound it made. She stood silently, watching him, trying not to pant with her own rising sexual demands. She could feel her ni**les hardening further, her cunt clenching in excruciating need.

Her eyes were drawn to the low table in front of the leather couch. Terrie drew in a deep breath to keep from whimpering. Lying on the table was a tube of lubrication, two small nipple clamps and a jelly dildo perhaps half the width of his cock, but just as long. Her gaze returned to him.

She started as he moved. A ripple of motion as he walked to the low table, glancing down at the articles then back to her.

“You’ve known me for a long time, Terrie,” he said softly. “I’ve never made an effort to hide who I am or what I enjoy from you.”

He paused for long moments as though waiting to see if she would deny his words. She couldn’t. She had known all along.

“Others would call me perverted…depraved,” he continued. “I won’t deny that, either. It’s definitely not conventional, but it’s who I am. And it’s a desire you can’t deny in yourself, Terrie. Not any longer.”

She wasn’t attempting to deny it, but she would be damned if she knew now what to do. She licked her lips nervously, aware that his eyes narrowed on the movement.