
She wasn’t nearly finished with Jesse Wyman either. He had whispered the words she needed to hear as sleep overtook her that morning, but he had yet to say them to her while she was fully awake. Terrie wanted to see him, to know he meant it when he shared his love with her. He had said the words hesitantly, as though uncertain of her reaction or her awareness.

I’ve always loved you. His voice had been incredibly soft, the rough timber hoarse, thick with emotion, unlike anything she had heard from Jesse before. As she dressed, she vowed that once and for all, before this relationship went any further, she and Jesse had to talk. There was too much between them, too many secrets, too many words unspoken. It was time to clear it away. Time to accept the past, not just for her, but for Jesse as well.

Thomas had left an inheritance of pain and bitter regret with many of his actions and his brutal cruelty. Somehow he had known that Jesse cared about her, just as he had guessed her feelings for Jesse. He had used those emotions and deceived both of them in his drive to hurt as many people as he could. As though only in stripping them bare, in seeing the agony he created, could he find any happiness in his life.

Terrie shook her head at the thought of that. She needed answers herself. She needed to know once and for all where she and Jesse were headed. She quickly dried her body, moving into the bedroom to dress before heading to Jesse’s office.

As she entered the room the phone rang demandingly.

“Yes?” She grabbed the receiver as she began to search her dresser drawer for just the right undergarments.

“How about lunch?” His dark voice had her shivering, her cunt pulsing with demanding need as she closed her eyes to savor the sound.

“Where?” Her voice was husky. She refused to attempt to hide her need now. He knew her, knew she could no longer resist the pleasure he could give her.

“My office, whenever you show up,” he said softly. “I have to take care of a few things first, then I’ll be free the rest of the day.”

The rest of the day to play. She fought to keep from panting like an inexperienced teenager at the thought of it. She managed it, but only barely.

“Sounds good.” She pulled a midnight blue thong from her dresser and a matching silk push-up bra as she fought to try to breathe properly.

“Terrie.” His voice was smooth, low, a sexual stroke of pleasure across her senses.

She swallowed tightly. “Yes, Jesse?”

“Use the butt plug again, and that pretty little violet slip dress hanging in your closet. And no bra, Terrie.”

The dominant, ruthless sound of his voice had her trembling in nervous anticipation.


“Terrie.” There was an edge to his voice now that had her pu**y quaking in reaction. “Be wearing it or I promise you, you’ll wish you had.”

The line disconnected.

Terrie stared down at the receiver for a shocked second before she laughed softly. Oh, now there was a man fighting for control. Desperately. He was a dominant alpha male scrambling to reassert his authority. She loved it. She wondered how quickly she could throw him off balance once again? Drawing in a deep breath, smiling in anticipation, she vowed to find out.

* * * * *

“Men are so predictable.” Tally closed the door behind her as Jesse hung up the phone and drew in a deep, hard breath.

He arched a brow sarcastically. “Did I ring you, Tally?”

She rolled her eyes expressively. The woman was a menace. He had known she was a menace when he hired her the year before; he was even more convinced of it now.

“You know Jesse, we’ve known each other a long time.” She sat down regally in the chair across from him, smoothing out her skirt rather absently before glancing up at him again. Cool as a cucumber, that was Tally.

“We have,” he admitted carefully, wondering where she was going with this.

“I’ve known Terrie even longer,” she sighed patiently. “She’s such a brave little thing when she wants to be. But that bravery is not going to extend to a scheduled ménage, such as you and your buddies like to set up. If you want her, you’re going to have to surprise her. Dare her.” Tally’s voice was a dare itself. “But once she does it, I’m certain she’ll settle right into your little domination games.”

She leaned back in her chair, her attitude one of mocking acceptance of an eccentricity she found little amusement in.

“You know, Tally.” He leaned forward in his chair, controlling his grin. “As you stated, we’ve known each other for quite a while. And don’t think you’re the only one of us who can read easily between the lines.”

Her eyes widened in false surprise. “Sweetie, I never imagined such a thing.” She shook her head tolerantly. “You do get the strangest ideas.”

“Tally, I’m not nearly as simple as you are giving me credit for,” he warned her carefully, allowing her to see the core of steady purpose he kept carefully below the surface. “I know many of your little secrets, sweetheart, and don’t think for a minute you’ll get away with baiting the group forever.”